/* * stocktickerpluginwidget.cpp * * copyright : (c) 2002 by L.J. Potter * email : llornkcor@handhelds.org * */ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include using namespace Opie::Ui; using namespace Opie::Ui; extern "C" { #include "libstocks/stocks.h" } #include #include "stocktickerpluginwidget.h" QString output; OTicker *stocktickerTicker; QCString stock_liste; bool dotimeCheck, dodateCheck, dosymbolCheck, donameCheck; bool docurrentPriceCheck, dolastPriceCheck, doopenPriceCheck; bool dominPriceCheck, domaxPriceCheck, dovariationCheck, dovolumeCheck; void getStocks(char *blah) { // stocktickerTicker->setText( "Downloading stock data."); stock *stocks_quotes=NULL; stock *stocks_tmp; stock_liste = blah; ::free ( blah ); // char *stock_liste = (char *)blah->latin1(); // qDebug("%s", stock_liste.data() ); output = ""; QString tempString; libstocks_return_code error; // Config cfg( "stockticker"); // cfg.setGroup( "Fields" ); // bool dotimeCheck, dodateCheck, dosymbolCheck, donameCheck; // bool docurrentPriceCheck, dolastPriceCheck, doopenPriceCheck; // bool dominPriceCheck, domaxPriceCheck, dovariationCheck, dovolumeCheck; dotimeCheck=dodateCheck=dosymbolCheck=donameCheck= docurrentPriceCheck=dolastPriceCheck=doopenPriceCheck=dominPriceCheck=domaxPriceCheck=dovariationCheck=dovolumeCheck=false; dotimeCheck=1; dodateCheck=1; dosymbolCheck=1; donameCheck=1; docurrentPriceCheck=1; dolastPriceCheck=1; doopenPriceCheck=1; dominPriceCheck=1; domaxPriceCheck=1; dovariationCheck=1; dovolumeCheck=1; // dotimeCheck=cfg.readBoolEntry("timeCheck",1); // dodateCheck=cfg.readBoolEntry("dateCheck",1); // dosymbolCheck=cfg.readBoolEntry("symbolCheck",1); // donameCheck=cfg.readBoolEntry("nameCheck",1); // docurrentPriceCheck=cfg.readBoolEntry("currentPriceCheck",1); // dolastPriceCheck=cfg.readBoolEntry("lastPriceCheck",1); // doopenPriceCheck=cfg.readBoolEntry("openPriceCheck",1); // dominPriceCheck=cfg.readBoolEntry("minPriceCheck",1); // domaxPriceCheck=cfg.readBoolEntry("maxPriceCheck",1); // dovariationCheck=cfg.readBoolEntry("variationCheck",1); // dovolumeCheck=cfg.readBoolEntry("volumeCheck",1); // DefProxy(); // { char *proxy; // libstocks_return_code error; /* Proxy support */ /* Checks for "http_proxy" environment variable */ proxy = getenv("http_proxy"); if(proxy) { /* printf("proxy set\n"); */ error = set_proxy(proxy); if (error) { // printf("Proxy error (%d)\n", error); // QString tempString2; // tempString2.sprintf("Proxy error (%d)\n", error); // output = tempString2; // delete tempString2; return; // exit(1); } } ::free(proxy); // } /* Get the stocks and process errors */ error = get_stocks( stock_liste.data(), &stocks_quotes); if (error) { printf("Error in getting stocks (%d)\n", error); tempString.sprintf("Error in getting stocks (%d)\n", error); output =tempString; return; } stocks_tmp = stocks_quotes; /* Displays the stocks */ while(stocks_tmp!=0){ if (stocks_tmp->Time) { // printf("%s ", stocks_tmp->Time); tempString.sprintf("| %s ", stocks_tmp->Time); tempString.replace(QRegExp("\""),""); if( dotimeCheck) output +=tempString; } if (stocks_tmp->Date) { // printf("%s ", stocks_tmp->Date); tempString.sprintf("| %s ", stocks_tmp->Date); tempString.replace(QRegExp("\""),""); if(dodateCheck) output +=tempString; } // printf("\n"); // printf("----------------------------------------\n"); if ( strlen(stocks_tmp->Symbol) > 20 ) { // printf("| Symbol | %.20s |\n",stocks_tmp->Symbol); tempString.sprintf("| Symbol %s ",stocks_tmp->Symbol); if(dosymbolCheck) output +=tempString; } else { // printf("| Symbol | %-20s |\n",stocks_tmp->Symbol); tempString.sprintf("| Symbol %s ",stocks_tmp->Symbol); if(dosymbolCheck) output +=tempString; } if (stocks_tmp->Name) { if ( strlen(stocks_tmp->Name) > 20 ) { // printf("| Name %.20s |\n",stocks_tmp->Name); tempString.sprintf("| Name %s ",stocks_tmp->Name); tempString.stripWhiteSpace(); if(donameCheck) output +=tempString; } else { // printf("| Name | %-20s |\n",stocks_tmp->Name); tempString.sprintf("| Name %s ",stocks_tmp->Name); tempString.stripWhiteSpace(); if(donameCheck) output +=tempString; } } else { // printf("| Name | |\n"); tempString.sprintf("| Name | |"); if(donameCheck) output +=tempString; } // printf("| Price | %-7.2f |\n", stocks_tmp->CurrentPrice); tempString.sprintf("| Price %-7.2f ", stocks_tmp->CurrentPrice); if(docurrentPriceCheck) output +=tempString; // printf("| Yesterday | %-7.2f |\n",stocks_tmp->LastPrice); tempString.sprintf("| Yesterday %-7.2f ",stocks_tmp->LastPrice); if(dolastPriceCheck) output +=tempString; // printf("| Open | %-7.2f |\n",stocks_tmp->OpenPrice); tempString.sprintf("| Open %-7.2f ",stocks_tmp->OpenPrice); if(doopenPriceCheck) output +=tempString; // printf("| Min | %-7.2f |\n", stocks_tmp->MinPrice); tempString.sprintf("| Min %-7.2f ", stocks_tmp->MinPrice); if(dominPriceCheck) output +=tempString; // printf("| Max | %-7.2f |\n",stocks_tmp->MaxPrice); tempString.sprintf("| Max %-7.2f ",stocks_tmp->MaxPrice); if(domaxPriceCheck) output +=tempString; // printf("| Var | %-6.2f (%5.2f %%) |\n", stocks_tmp->Variation, stocks_tmp->Pourcentage); tempString.sprintf("| Var %-6.2f (%5.2f %%) ", stocks_tmp->Variation, stocks_tmp->Pourcentage); if(dovariationCheck) output +=tempString; // printf("| Volume | %-9d |\n", stocks_tmp->Volume); tempString.sprintf("| Volume %-9d ", stocks_tmp->Volume); if(dovolumeCheck) output +=tempString; // printf("----------------------------------------\n\n"); tempString.sprintf("||==++==|"); output +=tempString; /* Simple function which help to browse in the stocks list */ stocks_tmp = next_stock(stocks_tmp); } stocktickerTicker->setText( output.latin1() ); /* frees stocks */ free_stocks(stocks_quotes); free_stocks(stocks_tmp); stock_liste=""; //delete stock_liste; tempString=""; output=""; } StockTickerPluginWidget::StockTickerPluginWidget( QWidget *parent, const char* name) : QWidget(parent, name ) { init(); startTimer(1000); stocktickerTicker->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); // checkConnection(); } StockTickerPluginWidget::~StockTickerPluginWidget() { } void StockTickerPluginWidget::init() { QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout( this ); stocktickerTicker = new OTicker(this); // stocktickerTicker->setMinimumHeight(15); connect( stocktickerTicker, SIGNAL( mousePressed()), this, SLOT( checkConnection() )); layout->addWidget( stocktickerTicker); wasError = true; } void StockTickerPluginWidget::doStocks() { Config cfg( "stockticker"); cfg.setGroup( "Symbols" ); symbollist=""; symbollist = cfg.readEntry("Symbols", ""); symbollist.replace(QRegExp(" "),"+");//seperated by + cfg.setGroup("Timer"); stocktickerTicker->setUpdateTime( cfg.readNumEntry("ScrollSpeed",50)); stocktickerTicker->setScrollLength( cfg.readNumEntry("ScrollLength",10)); if (!symbollist.isEmpty()) { pthread_t thread1; char *blah = ::strdup(symbollist.latin1()); pthread_create( &thread1, NULL, (void * (*)(void *))getStocks, (void *) blah); pthread_detach( thread1); //::free((void*)thread1); //getStocks(blah); } } void StockTickerPluginWidget::timerEvent( QTimerEvent *e ) { killTimer(e->timerId()); checkConnection(); } void StockTickerPluginWidget::checkConnection() { // qDebug("checking connection"); // Sock = new QSocket( this ); // if( wasError) // stocktickerTicker->setText("Checking connection"); // if(Sock->state() == QSocket::Idle) { // Sock->connectToHost("finance.yahoo.com", 80); // connect( Sock, SIGNAL( error(int) ), SLOT(socketError(int)) ); // connect( Sock, SIGNAL( hostFound() ), SLOT(isConnected()) ); // } else { // qDebug("State is not Idle"); isConnected(); // } } void StockTickerPluginWidget::isConnected() { // qDebug("We connect, so ok to grab stocks"); if(this->isVisible()) doStocks(); Config cfg( "stockticker"); cfg.setGroup("Timer"); timerDelay= cfg.readNumEntry("Delay",0); if(timerDelay > 0) startTimer(timerDelay*60000); // qDebug("timer set for %d",(timerDelay*60000)/60000); wasError = false; // Sock->close(); } void StockTickerPluginWidget::socketError(int errcode) { switch(errcode) { case QSocket::ErrConnectionRefused: output = tr("Connection refused."); break; case QSocket::ErrHostNotFound: output = tr("Could not find server."); break; case QSocket::ErrSocketRead : output = tr("Socket read error."); break; }; stocktickerTicker->setText( output ); wasError = true; // Sock->close(); }