opie-remote Opie-remote is a remote control emulator for the Compaq iPaq and the Sharp Zaurus. It requires lirc (http://www.lirc.org) to run. There are lirc ipkgs for the iPaq in the Handhelds.org feed. You must first install the lirc-modules-[kernel version] ipkg, and then the lirc ipkg with the -force-depends option. The Zaurus is supported, but requires you to compile from lirc's CVS. Zaurus support should be in lirc 0.6.6 and up. Check the learn tab in opie-remote for more detailed configuration and usage instructions. I will talk to the Open Zaurus people about providing an lirc ipkg for the Zaurus, but i cant make one, as i dont have a Zaurus, and cannot test it. todo: add a frontend for irrecord (to make it a true learning remote) make the UI completely user configurable (button layout, position, etc) ButtonDialog needs to support default remote and button settings, so what the button is already set to shows up. fix any bugs contact info: thomas: spiralman@softhome.net (currently the only developer) im also on #opie and #handhelds.org on irc.openprojects.net a lot, so look for me there.