/**************************************************************************** ** ** ** Implementation of VCProject class. ** ** Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of qmake. ** ** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License ** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file ** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition licenses may use this ** file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided ** with the Software. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for ** information about Qt Commercial License Agreements. ** See http://www.trolltech.com/qpl/ for QPL licensing information. ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "msvc_objectmodel.h" #include "msvc_vcproj.h" #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qstringlist.h> #include <qfileinfo.h> // XML Tags --------------------------------------------------------- const char* _xmlInit = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding = \"Windows-1252\"?>"; const char* _begConfiguration = "\n\t\t<Configuration"; const char* _begConfigurations = "\n\t<Configurations>"; const char* _begFile = "\n\t\t\t<File"; const char* _begFileConfiguration = "\n\t\t\t\t<FileConfiguration"; const char* _begFiles = "\n\t<Files>"; const char* _begFilter = "\n\t\t<Filter"; const char* _begGlobals = "\n\t<Globals>"; const char* _begPlatform = "\n\t\t<Platform"; const char* _begPlatforms = "\n\t<Platforms>"; const char* _begTool3 = "\n\t\t\t<Tool"; const char* _begTool5 = "\n\t\t\t\t\t<Tool"; const char* _begVisualStudioProject = "\n<VisualStudioProject"; const char* _endConfiguration = "\n\t\t</Configuration>"; const char* _endConfigurations = "\n\t</Configurations>"; const char* _endFile = "\n\t\t\t</File>"; const char* _endFileConfiguration = "\n\t\t\t\t</FileConfiguration>"; const char* _endFiles = "\n\t</Files>"; const char* _endFilter = "\n\t\t</Filter>"; const char* _endGlobals = "\n\t</Globals>"; const char* _endPlatforms = "\n\t</Platforms>"; const char* _endVisualStudioProject = "\n</VisualStudioProject>"; // XML Properties --------------------------------------------------- const char* _AddModuleNamesToAssembly = "\n\t\t\t\tAddModuleNamesToAssembly=\""; const char* _AdditionalDependencies4 = "\n\t\t\t\tAdditionalDependencies=\""; const char* _AdditionalDependencies6 = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAdditionalDependencies=\""; const char* _AdditionalIncludeDirectories = "\n\t\t\t\tAdditionalIncludeDirectories=\""; const char* _AdditionalLibraryDirectories = "\n\t\t\t\tAdditionalLibraryDirectories=\""; const char* _AdditionalOptions = "\n\t\t\t\tAdditionalOptions=\""; const char* _AdditionalUsingDirectories = "\n\t\t\t\tAdditionalUsingDirectories=\""; const char* _AssemblerListingLocation = "\n\t\t\t\tAssemblerListingLocation=\""; const char* _AssemblerOutput = "\n\t\t\t\tAssemblerOutput=\""; const char* _ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage = "\n\t\t\tATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage=\""; const char* _BaseAddress = "\n\t\t\t\tBaseAddress=\""; const char* _BasicRuntimeChecks = "\n\t\t\t\tBasicRuntimeChecks=\""; const char* _BrowseInformation = "\n\t\t\t\tBrowseInformation=\""; const char* _BrowseInformationFile = "\n\t\t\t\tBrowseInformationFile=\""; const char* _BufferSecurityCheck = "\n\t\t\t\tBufferSecurityCheck=\""; const char* _BuildBrowserInformation = "\n\t\t\tBuildBrowserInformation=\""; const char* _CPreprocessOptions = "\n\t\t\t\tCPreprocessOptions=\""; const char* _CallingConvention = "\n\t\t\t\tCallingConvention=\""; const char* _CharacterSet = "\n\t\t\tCharacterSet=\""; const char* _CommandLine4 = "\n\t\t\t\tCommandLine=\""; const char* _CommandLine6 = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tCommandLine=\""; const char* _CompileAs = "\n\t\t\t\tCompileAs=\""; const char* _CompileAsManaged = "\n\t\t\t\tCompileAsManaged=\""; const char* _CompileOnly = "\n\t\t\t\tCompileOnly=\""; const char* _ConfigurationType = "\n\t\t\tConfigurationType=\""; const char* _Culture = "\n\t\t\t\tCulture=\""; const char* _DLLDataFileName = "\n\t\t\t\tDLLDataFileName=\""; const char* _DebugInformationFormat = "\n\t\t\t\tDebugInformationFormat=\""; const char* _DefaultCharIsUnsigned = "\n\t\t\t\tDefaultCharIsUnsigned=\""; const char* _DefaultCharType = "\n\t\t\t\tDefaultCharType=\""; const char* _DelayLoadDLLs = "\n\t\t\t\tDelayLoadDLLs=\""; const char* _DeleteExtensionsOnClean = "\n\t\t\tDeleteExtensionsOnClean=\""; const char* _Description4 = "\n\t\t\t\tDescription=\""; const char* _Description6 = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tDescription=\""; const char* _Detect64BitPortabilityProblems = "\n\t\t\t\tDetect64BitPortabilityProblems=\""; const char* _DisableLanguageExtensions = "\n\t\t\t\tDisableLanguageExtensions=\""; const char* _DisableSpecificWarnings = "\n\t\t\t\tDisableSpecificWarnings=\""; const char* _EnableCOMDATFolding = "\n\t\t\t\tEnableCOMDATFolding=\""; const char* _EnableErrorChecks = "\n\t\t\t\tEnableErrorChecks=\""; const char* _EnableFiberSafeOptimizations = "\n\t\t\t\tEnableFiberSafeOptimizations=\""; const char* _EnableFunctionLevelLinking = "\n\t\t\t\tEnableFunctionLevelLinking=\""; const char* _EnableIntrinsicFunctions = "\n\t\t\t\tEnableIntrinsicFunctions=\""; const char* _EntryPointSymbol = "\n\t\t\t\tEntryPointSymbol=\""; const char* _ErrorCheckAllocations = "\n\t\t\t\tErrorCheckAllocations=\""; const char* _ErrorCheckBounds = "\n\t\t\t\tErrorCheckBounds=\""; const char* _ErrorCheckEnumRange = "\n\t\t\t\tErrorCheckEnumRange=\""; const char* _ErrorCheckRefPointers = "\n\t\t\t\tErrorCheckRefPointers=\""; const char* _ErrorCheckStubData = "\n\t\t\t\tErrorCheckStubData=\""; const char* _ExceptionHandling = "\n\t\t\t\tExceptionHandling=\""; const char* _ExcludedFromBuild = "\n\t\t\t\tExcludedFromBuild=\""; const char* _ExpandAttributedSource = "\n\t\t\t\tExpandAttributedSource=\""; const char* _ExportNamedFunctions = "\n\t\t\t\tExportNamedFunctions=\""; const char* _FavorSizeOrSpeed = "\n\t\t\t\tFavorSizeOrSpeed=\""; const char* _Filter = "\n\t\t\tFilter=\""; const char* _ForceConformanceInForLoopScope = "\n\t\t\t\tForceConformanceInForLoopScope=\""; const char* _ForceSymbolReferences = "\n\t\t\t\tForceSymbolReferences=\""; const char* _ForcedIncludeFiles = "\n\t\t\t\tForcedIncludeFiles=\""; const char* _ForcedUsingFiles = "\n\t\t\t\tForcedUsingFiles=\""; const char* _FullIncludePath = "\n\t\t\t\tFullIncludePath=\""; const char* _FunctionOrder = "\n\t\t\t\tFunctionOrder=\""; const char* _GenerateDebugInformation = "\n\t\t\t\tGenerateDebugInformation=\""; const char* _GenerateMapFile = "\n\t\t\t\tGenerateMapFile=\""; const char* _GeneratePreprocessedFile = "\n\t\t\t\tGeneratePreprocessedFile=\""; const char* _GenerateStublessProxies = "\n\t\t\t\tGenerateStublessProxies=\""; const char* _GenerateTypeLibrary = "\n\t\t\t\tGenerateTypeLibrary=\""; const char* _GlobalOptimizations = "\n\t\t\t\tGlobalOptimizations=\""; const char* _HeaderFileName = "\n\t\t\t\tHeaderFileName=\""; const char* _HeapCommitSize = "\n\t\t\t\tHeapCommitSize=\""; const char* _HeapReserveSize = "\n\t\t\t\tHeapReserveSize=\""; const char* _IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries = "\n\t\t\t\tIgnoreAllDefaultLibraries=\""; const char* _IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames = "\n\t\t\t\tIgnoreDefaultLibraryNames=\""; const char* _IgnoreEmbeddedIDL = "\n\t\t\t\tIgnoreEmbeddedIDL=\""; const char* _IgnoreImportLibrary = "\n\t\t\t\tIgnoreImportLibrary=\""; const char* _IgnoreStandardIncludePath = "\n\t\t\t\tIgnoreStandardIncludePath=\""; const char* _ImportLibrary = "\n\t\t\t\tImportLibrary=\""; const char* _ImproveFloatingPointConsistency = "\n\t\t\t\tImproveFloatingPointConsistency=\""; const char* _InlineFunctionExpansion = "\n\t\t\t\tInlineFunctionExpansion=\""; const char* _InterfaceIdentifierFileName = "\n\t\t\t\tInterfaceIdentifierFileName=\""; const char* _IntermediateDirectory = "\n\t\t\tIntermediateDirectory=\""; const char* _KeepComments = "\n\t\t\t\tKeepComments=\""; const char* _LargeAddressAware = "\n\t\t\t\tLargeAddressAware=\""; const char* _LinkDLL = "\n\t\t\t\tLinkDLL=\""; const char* _LinkIncremental = "\n\t\t\t\tLinkIncremental=\""; const char* _LinkTimeCodeGeneration = "\n\t\t\t\tLinkTimeCodeGeneration=\""; const char* _LinkToManagedResourceFile = "\n\t\t\t\tLinkToManagedResourceFile=\""; const char* _MapExports = "\n\t\t\t\tMapExports=\""; const char* _MapFileName = "\n\t\t\t\tMapFileName=\""; const char* _MapLines = "\n\t\t\t\tMapLines =\""; const char* _MergeSections = "\n\t\t\t\tMergeSections=\""; const char* _MergedIDLBaseFileName = "\n\t\t\t\tMergedIDLBaseFileName=\""; const char* _MidlCommandFile = "\n\t\t\t\tMidlCommandFile=\""; const char* _MinimalRebuild = "\n\t\t\t\tMinimalRebuild=\""; const char* _MkTypLibCompatible = "\n\t\t\t\tMkTypLibCompatible=\""; const char* _ModuleDefinitionFile = "\n\t\t\t\tModuleDefinitionFile=\""; const char* _Name1 = "\n\tName=\""; const char* _Name2 = "\n\t\tName=\""; const char* _Name3 = "\n\t\t\tName=\""; const char* _Name4 = "\n\t\t\t\tName=\""; const char* _Name5 = "\n\t\t\t\t\tName=\""; const char* _ObjectFile = "\n\t\t\t\tObjectFile=\""; const char* _OmitFramePointers = "\n\t\t\t\tOmitFramePointers=\""; const char* _Optimization = "\n\t\t\t\tOptimization =\""; const char* _OptimizeForProcessor = "\n\t\t\t\tOptimizeForProcessor=\""; const char* _OptimizeForWindows98 = "\n\t\t\t\tOptimizeForWindows98=\""; const char* _OptimizeForWindowsApplication = "\n\t\t\t\tOptimizeForWindowsApplication=\""; const char* _OptimizeReferences = "\n\t\t\t\tOptimizeReferences=\""; const char* _OutputDirectory3 = "\n\t\t\tOutputDirectory=\""; const char* _OutputDirectory4 = "\n\t\t\t\tOutputDirectory=\""; const char* _OutputFile = "\n\t\t\t\tOutputFile=\""; const char* _Outputs4 = "\n\t\t\t\tOutputs=\""; const char* _Outputs6 = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tOutputs=\""; const char* _ParseFiles = "\n\t\t\tParseFiles=\""; const char* _PrecompiledHeaderFile = "\n\t\t\t\tPrecompiledHeaderFile=\""; const char* _PrecompiledHeaderThrough = "\n\t\t\t\tPrecompiledHeaderThrough=\""; const char* _PreprocessorDefinitions = "\n\t\t\t\tPreprocessorDefinitions=\""; const char* _PrimaryOutput = "\n\t\t\tPrimaryOutput=\""; const char* _ProjectGUID = "\n\tProjectGUID=\""; const char* _ProjectType = "\n\tProjectType=\"Visual C++\""; const char* _ProgramDatabase = "\n\t\t\tProgramDatabase=\""; const char* _ProgramDataBaseFileName = "\n\t\t\t\tProgramDataBaseFileName=\""; const char* _ProgramDatabaseFile = "\n\t\t\t\tProgramDatabaseFile=\""; const char* _ProxyFileName = "\n\t\t\t\tProxyFileName=\""; const char* _RedirectOutputAndErrors = "\n\t\t\t\tRedirectOutputAndErrors=\""; const char* _RegisterOutput = "\n\t\t\t\tRegisterOutput=\""; const char* _RelativePath = "\n\t\t\t\tRelativePath=\""; const char* _ResourceOnlyDLL = "\n\t\t\t\tResourceOnlyDLL=\""; const char* _ResourceOutputFileName = "\n\t\t\t\tResourceOutputFileName=\""; const char* _RuntimeLibrary = "\n\t\t\t\tRuntimeLibrary=\""; const char* _RuntimeTypeInfo = "\n\t\t\t\tRuntimeTypeInfo=\""; const char* _SccProjectName = "\n\tSccProjectName=\""; const char* _SccLocalPath = "\n\tSccLocalPath=\""; const char* _SetChecksum = "\n\t\t\t\tSetChecksum=\""; const char* _ShowIncludes = "\n\t\t\t\tShowIncludes=\""; const char* _ShowProgress = "\n\t\t\t\tShowProgress=\""; const char* _SmallerTypeCheck = "\n\t\t\t\tSmallerTypeCheck=\""; const char* _StackCommitSize = "\n\t\t\t\tStackCommitSize=\""; const char* _StackReserveSize = "\n\t\t\t\tStackReserveSize=\""; const char* _StringPooling = "\n\t\t\t\tStringPooling=\""; const char* _StripPrivateSymbols = "\n\t\t\t\tStripPrivateSymbols=\""; const char* _StructMemberAlignment = "\n\t\t\t\tStructMemberAlignment=\""; const char* _SubSystem = "\n\t\t\t\tSubSystem=\""; const char* _SupportUnloadOfDelayLoadedDLL = "\n\t\t\t\tSupportUnloadOfDelayLoadedDLL=\""; const char* _SuppressStartupBanner = "\n\t\t\t\tSuppressStartupBanner=\""; const char* _SwapRunFromCD = "\n\t\t\t\tSwapRunFromCD=\""; const char* _SwapRunFromNet = "\n\t\t\t\tSwapRunFromNet=\""; const char* _TargetEnvironment = "\n\t\t\t\tTargetEnvironment=\""; const char* _TargetMachine = "\n\t\t\t\tTargetMachine=\""; const char* _TerminalServerAware = "\n\t\t\t\tTerminalServerAware=\""; const char* _ToolName = "\n\t\t\t\tName=\""; const char* _ToolPath = "\n\t\t\t\tPath=\""; const char* _TreatWChar_tAsBuiltInType = "\n\t\t\t\tTreatWChar_tAsBuiltInType=\""; const char* _TurnOffAssemblyGeneration = "\n\t\t\t\tTurnOffAssemblyGeneration=\""; const char* _TypeLibraryFile = "\n\t\t\t\tTypeLibraryFile=\""; const char* _TypeLibraryName = "\n\t\t\t\tTypeLibraryName=\""; const char* _TypeLibraryResourceID = "\n\t\t\t\tTypeLibraryResourceID=\""; const char* _UndefineAllPreprocessorDefinitions = "\n\t\t\t\tUndefineAllPreprocessorDefinitions=\""; const char* _UndefinePreprocessorDefinitions = "\n\t\t\t\tUndefinePreprocessorDefinitions=\""; const char* _UseOfATL = "\n\t\t\tUseOfATL=\""; const char* _UseOfMfc = "\n\t\t\tUseOfMfc=\""; const char* _UsePrecompiledHeader = "\n\t\t\t\tUsePrecompiledHeader=\""; const char* _ValidateParameters = "\n\t\t\t\tValidateParameters=\""; const char* _VCCLCompilerToolName = "\n\t\t\t\tName=\"VCCLCompilerTool\""; const char* _VCCustomBuildTool = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tName=\"VCCustomBuildTool\""; const char* _VCLinkerToolName = "\n\t\t\t\tName=\"VCLinkerTool\""; const char* _VCResourceCompilerToolName = "\n\t\t\t\tName=\"VCResourceCompilerTool\""; const char* _VCMIDLToolName = "\n\t\t\t\tName=\"VCMIDLTool\""; const char* _Version1 = "\n\tVersion=\""; const char* _Version4 = "\n\t\t\t\tVersion=\""; const char* _WarnAsError = "\n\t\t\t\tWarnAsError=\""; const char* _WarnLevel = "\n\t\t\t\tWarnLevel=\""; const char* _WarningLevel = "\n\t\t\t\tWarningLevel=\""; const char* _WholeProgramOptimization = "\n\t\t\t\tWholeProgramOptimization=\""; // Property name and value as Pairs --------------------------------- struct TPair { TPair( const char* n, const triState v ) : name(n), value(v) {}; const char* name; const triState value; }; struct EPair { EPair( const char* n, const int v ) : name(n), value(v) {}; const char* name; const int value; }; struct LPair { LPair( const char* n, const long v ) : name(n), value(v) {}; const char* name; const long value; }; struct SPair { SPair( const char* n, const QString& v ) : name(n), value(v) {}; const char* name; const QString& value; }; struct XPair { XPair( const char* n, const QStringList& v, const char* s = "," ) : name(n), value(v), sep(s) {}; const char* name; const QStringList& value; const char* sep; }; // void streamSPair( QTextStream &strm, const char *n, const QString &s ) // Streaming operators for property Pairs --------------------------- QTextStream &operator<<( QTextStream &strm, const TPair &prop ) { switch( prop.value ) { case _False: strm << prop.name << "FALSE\""; break; case _True: strm << prop.name << "TRUE\""; break; case unset: default: break; } return strm; } /* Be sure to check that each enum is not set to default before streaming it out. Defaults seem to not be in the XML file. */ QTextStream &operator<<( QTextStream &strm, const EPair &prop ) { strm << prop.name << prop.value << "\""; return strm; } QTextStream &operator<<( QTextStream &strm, const LPair &prop ) { strm << prop.name << prop.value << "\""; return strm; } QTextStream &operator<<( QTextStream &strm, const SPair &prop ) { if ( !prop.value.isEmpty() ) strm << prop.name << QString(prop.value).remove("\"") << "\""; return strm; } QTextStream &operator<<( QTextStream &strm, const XPair &prop ) { if ( !prop.value.isEmpty() ) strm << prop.name << prop.value.join(prop.sep).latin1() << "\""; return strm; } // VCCLCompilerTool ------------------------------------------------- VCCLCompilerTool::VCCLCompilerTool() : AssemblerOutput( asmListingNone ), BasicRuntimeChecks( runtimeBasicCheckNone ), BrowseInformation( brInfoNone ), BufferSecurityCheck( _False ), CallingConvention( callConventionDefault ), CompileAs( compileAsDefault ), CompileAsManaged( managedDefault ), CompileOnly( unset ), DebugInformationFormat( debugDisabled ), DefaultCharIsUnsigned( unset ), Detect64BitPortabilityProblems( unset ), DisableLanguageExtensions( unset ), EnableFiberSafeOptimizations( unset ), EnableFunctionLevelLinking( unset ), EnableIntrinsicFunctions( unset ), ExceptionHandling( _False ), ExpandAttributedSource( unset ), FavorSizeOrSpeed( favorNone ), ForceConformanceInForLoopScope( unset ), GeneratePreprocessedFile( preprocessNo ), GlobalOptimizations( unset ), IgnoreStandardIncludePath( unset ), ImproveFloatingPointConsistency( unset ), InlineFunctionExpansion( expandDefault ), KeepComments( unset ), MinimalRebuild( unset ), OmitFramePointers( unset ), Optimization( optimizeCustom ), OptimizeForProcessor( procOptimizeBlended ), OptimizeForWindowsApplication( unset ), ProgramDataBaseFileName( "" ), RuntimeLibrary( rtMultiThreaded ), RuntimeTypeInfo( unset ), ShowIncludes( unset ), SmallerTypeCheck( unset ), StringPooling( unset ), StructMemberAlignment( alignNotSet ), SuppressStartupBanner( unset ), TreatWChar_tAsBuiltInType( unset ), TurnOffAssemblyGeneration( unset ), UndefineAllPreprocessorDefinitions( unset ), UsePrecompiledHeader( pchNone ), WarnAsError( unset ), WarningLevel( warningLevel_0 ), WholeProgramOptimization( unset ) { } QTextStream &operator<<( QTextStream &strm, const VCCLCompilerTool &tool ) { strm << _begTool3; strm << _VCCLCompilerToolName; strm << XPair( _AdditionalIncludeDirectories, tool.AdditionalIncludeDirectories ); strm << XPair( _AdditionalOptions, tool.AdditionalOptions, " " ); strm << XPair( _AdditionalUsingDirectories, tool.AdditionalUsingDirectories ); strm << SPair( _AssemblerListingLocation, tool.AssemblerListingLocation ); if ( tool.AssemblerOutput != asmListingNone ) strm << EPair( _AssemblerOutput, tool.AssemblerOutput ); if ( tool.BasicRuntimeChecks != runtimeBasicCheckNone ) strm << EPair( _BasicRuntimeChecks, tool.BasicRuntimeChecks ); if ( tool.BrowseInformation != brInfoNone ) strm << EPair( _BrowseInformation, tool.BrowseInformation ); strm << SPair( _BrowseInformationFile, tool.BrowseInformationFile ); strm << TPair( _BufferSecurityCheck, tool.BufferSecurityCheck ); if ( tool.CallingConvention != callConventionDefault ) strm << EPair( _CallingConvention, tool.CallingConvention ); if ( tool.CompileAs != compileAsDefault ) strm << EPair( _CompileAs, tool.CompileAs ); if ( tool.CompileAsManaged != managedDefault ) strm << EPair( _CompileAsManaged, tool.CompileAsManaged ); strm << TPair( _CompileOnly, tool.CompileOnly ); if ( tool.DebugInformationFormat != debugUnknown ) strm << EPair( _DebugInformationFormat, tool.DebugInformationFormat ); strm << TPair( _DefaultCharIsUnsigned, tool.DefaultCharIsUnsigned ); strm << TPair( _Detect64BitPortabilityProblems, tool.Detect64BitPortabilityProblems ); strm << TPair( _DisableLanguageExtensions, tool.DisableLanguageExtensions ); strm << XPair( _DisableSpecificWarnings, tool.DisableSpecificWarnings ); strm << TPair( _EnableFiberSafeOptimizations, tool.EnableFiberSafeOptimizations ); strm << TPair( _EnableFunctionLevelLinking, tool.EnableFunctionLevelLinking ); strm << TPair( _EnableIntrinsicFunctions, tool.EnableIntrinsicFunctions ); strm << TPair( _ExceptionHandling, tool.ExceptionHandling ); strm << TPair( _ExpandAttributedSource, tool.ExpandAttributedSource ); if ( tool.FavorSizeOrSpeed != favorNone ) strm << EPair( _FavorSizeOrSpeed, tool.FavorSizeOrSpeed ); strm << TPair( _ForceConformanceInForLoopScope, tool.ForceConformanceInForLoopScope ); strm << XPair( _ForcedIncludeFiles, tool.ForcedIncludeFiles ); strm << XPair( _ForcedUsingFiles, tool.ForcedUsingFiles ); if ( tool.GeneratePreprocessedFile != preprocessUnknown)strm << EPair( _GeneratePreprocessedFile, tool.GeneratePreprocessedFile ); strm << TPair( _GlobalOptimizations, tool.GlobalOptimizations ); strm << TPair( _IgnoreStandardIncludePath, tool.IgnoreStandardIncludePath ); strm << TPair( _ImproveFloatingPointConsistency, tool.ImproveFloatingPointConsistency ); if ( tool.InlineFunctionExpansion != expandDefault ) strm << EPair( _InlineFunctionExpansion, tool.InlineFunctionExpansion ); strm << TPair( _KeepComments, tool.KeepComments ); strm << TPair( _MinimalRebuild, tool.MinimalRebuild ); strm << SPair( _ObjectFile, tool.ObjectFile ); strm << TPair( _OmitFramePointers, tool.OmitFramePointers ); if ( tool.Optimization != optimizeDefault ) strm << EPair( _Optimization, tool.Optimization ); if ( tool.OptimizeForProcessor != procOptimizeBlended ) strm << EPair( _OptimizeForProcessor, tool.OptimizeForProcessor ); strm << TPair( _OptimizeForWindowsApplication, tool.OptimizeForWindowsApplication ); strm << SPair( _OutputFile, tool.OutputFile ); strm << SPair( _PrecompiledHeaderFile, tool.PrecompiledHeaderFile ); strm << SPair( _PrecompiledHeaderThrough, tool.PrecompiledHeaderThrough ); strm << XPair( _PreprocessorDefinitions, tool.PreprocessorDefinitions ); if ( !tool.ProgramDataBaseFileName.isNull() ) strm << _ProgramDataBaseFileName << tool.ProgramDataBaseFileName.latin1() << "\""; if ( tool.RuntimeLibrary != rtUnknown ) strm << EPair( _RuntimeLibrary, tool.RuntimeLibrary ); strm << TPair( _RuntimeTypeInfo, tool.RuntimeTypeInfo ); strm << TPair( _ShowIncludes, tool.ShowIncludes ); strm << TPair( _SmallerTypeCheck, tool.SmallerTypeCheck ); strm << TPair( _StringPooling, tool.StringPooling ); if ( tool.StructMemberAlignment != alignNotSet ) strm << EPair( _StructMemberAlignment, tool.StructMemberAlignment ); strm << TPair( _SuppressStartupBanner, tool.SuppressStartupBanner ); strm << TPair( _TreatWChar_tAsBuiltInType, tool.TreatWChar_tAsBuiltInType ); strm << TPair( _TurnOffAssemblyGeneration, tool.TurnOffAssemblyGeneration ); strm << TPair( _UndefineAllPreprocessorDefinitions, tool.UndefineAllPreprocessorDefinitions ); strm << XPair( _UndefinePreprocessorDefinitions, tool.UndefinePreprocessorDefinitions ); if ( !tool.PrecompiledHeaderFile.isEmpty() || !tool.PrecompiledHeaderThrough.isEmpty() ) strm << EPair( _UsePrecompiledHeader, tool.UsePrecompiledHeader ); strm << TPair( _WarnAsError, tool.WarnAsError ); if ( tool.WarningLevel != warningLevelUnknown ) strm << EPair( _WarningLevel, tool.WarningLevel ); strm << TPair( _WholeProgramOptimization, tool.WholeProgramOptimization ); strm << "/>"; return strm; } bool VCCLCompilerTool::parseOption( const char* option ) { // skip index 0 ('/' or '-') char first = option[1]; char second = option[2]; char third = option[3]; char fourth = option[4]; bool found = TRUE; switch ( first ) { case '?': case 'h': qWarning( "Generator: Option '/?', '/help': MSVC.NET projects do not support outputting help info" ); found = FALSE; break; case '@': qWarning( "Generator: Option '/@': MSVC.NET projects do not support the use of a response file" ); found = FALSE; break; case 'l': qWarning( "Generator: Option '/link': qmake generator does not support passing link options through the compiler tool" ); found = FALSE; break; case 'A': if ( second != 'I' ) { found = FALSE; break; } AdditionalUsingDirectories += option+3; break; case 'C': KeepComments = _True; break; case 'D': PreprocessorDefinitions += option+2; break; case 'E': if ( second == 'H' ) { if ( third == 'a' || (third == 'c' && fourth != 's') || (third == 's' && fourth != 'c') ) { // ExceptionHandling must be false, or it will override // with an /EHsc option ExceptionHandling = _False; AdditionalOptions += option; break; } else if ( (third == 'c' && fourth == 's') || (third == 's' && fourth == 'c') ) { ExceptionHandling = _True; AdditionalOptions += option; break; } found = FALSE; break; } GeneratePreprocessedFile = preprocessYes; break; case 'F': if ( second <= '9' && second >= '0' ) { AdditionalOptions += option; break; } else { switch ( second ) { case 'A': if ( third == 'c' ) { AssemblerOutput = asmListingAsmMachine; if ( fourth == 's' ) AssemblerOutput = asmListingAsmMachineSrc; } else if ( third == 's' ) { AssemblerOutput = asmListingAsmSrc; } else { AssemblerOutput = asmListingAssemblyOnly; } break; case 'a': AssemblerListingLocation = option+3; break; case 'I': ForcedIncludeFiles += option+3; break; case 'R': BrowseInformation = brAllInfo; BrowseInformationFile = option+3; break; case 'r': BrowseInformation = brNoLocalSymbols; BrowseInformationFile = option+3; break; case 'U': ForcedUsingFiles += option+3; break; case 'd': ProgramDataBaseFileName = option+3; break; case 'e': OutputFile = option+3; break; case 'm': AdditionalOptions += option; break; case 'o': ObjectFile = option+3; break; case 'p': PrecompiledHeaderFile = option+3; break; case 'x': ExpandAttributedSource = _True; break; default: found = FALSE; break; } } break; case 'G': switch ( second ) { case '3': case '4': qWarning( "Option '/G3' and '/G4' were phased out in Visual C++ 5.0" ); found = FALSE; break; case '5': OptimizeForProcessor = procOptimizePentium; break; case '6': case 'B': OptimizeForProcessor = procOptimizePentiumProAndAbove; break; case 'A': OptimizeForWindowsApplication = _True; break; case 'F': StringPooling = _True; break; case 'H': AdditionalOptions += option; break; case 'L': WholeProgramOptimization = _True; if ( third == '-' ) WholeProgramOptimization = _False; break; case 'R': RuntimeTypeInfo = _True; if ( third == '-' ) RuntimeTypeInfo = _False; break; case 'S': BufferSecurityCheck = _True; break; case 'T': EnableFiberSafeOptimizations = _True; break; case 'X': // ExceptionHandling == true will override with // an /EHsc option, which is correct with /GX ExceptionHandling = _True; // Fall-through case 'Z': case 'e': case 'h': AdditionalOptions += option; break; case 'd': CallingConvention = callConventionCDecl; break; case 'f': StringPooling = _True; AdditionalOptions += option; break; case 'm': MinimalRebuild = _True; if ( third == '-' ) MinimalRebuild = _False; break; case 'r': CallingConvention = callConventionFastCall; break; case 's': // Warning: following [num] is not used, // were should we put it? BufferSecurityCheck = _True; break; case 'y': EnableFunctionLevelLinking = _True; break; case 'z': CallingConvention = callConventionStdCall; break; default: found = FALSE; break; } break; case 'H': AdditionalOptions += option; break; case 'I': AdditionalIncludeDirectories += option+2; break; case 'L': if ( second == 'D' ) { AdditionalOptions += option; break; } found = FALSE; break; case 'M': if ( second == 'D' ) { RuntimeLibrary = rtMultiThreadedDLL; if ( third == 'd' ) RuntimeLibrary = rtMultiThreadedDebugDLL; break; } else if ( second == 'L' ) { RuntimeLibrary = rtSingleThreaded; if ( third == 'd' ) RuntimeLibrary = rtSingleThreadedDebug; break; } else if ( second == 'T' ) { RuntimeLibrary = rtMultiThreaded; if ( third == 'd' ) RuntimeLibrary = rtMultiThreadedDebug; break; } found = FALSE; break; case 'O': switch ( second ) { case '1': Optimization = optimizeMinSpace; break; case '2': Optimization = optimizeMaxSpeed; break; case 'a': AdditionalOptions += option; break; case 'b': if ( third == '0' ) InlineFunctionExpansion = expandDisable; else if ( third == '1' ) InlineFunctionExpansion = expandOnlyInline; else if ( third == '2' ) InlineFunctionExpansion = expandAnySuitable; else found = FALSE; break; case 'd': Optimization = optimizeDisabled; break; case 'g': GlobalOptimizations = _True; break; case 'i': EnableIntrinsicFunctions = _True; break; case 'p': ImproveFloatingPointConsistency = _True; if ( third == '-' ) ImproveFloatingPointConsistency = _False; break; case 's': FavorSizeOrSpeed = favorSize; break; case 't': FavorSizeOrSpeed = favorSpeed; break; case 'w': AdditionalOptions += option; break; case 'x': Optimization = optimizeFull; break; case 'y': OmitFramePointers = _True; if ( third == '-' ) OmitFramePointers = _False; break; default: found = FALSE; break; } break; case 'P': GeneratePreprocessedFile = preprocessYes; break; case 'Q': if ( second == 'I' ) { AdditionalOptions += option; break; } found = FALSE; break; case 'R': if ( second == 'T' && third == 'C' ) { if ( fourth == '1' ) BasicRuntimeChecks = runtimeBasicCheckAll; else if ( fourth == 'c' ) SmallerTypeCheck = _True; else if ( fourth == 's' ) BasicRuntimeChecks = runtimeCheckStackFrame; else if ( fourth == 'u' ) BasicRuntimeChecks = runtimeCheckUninitVariables; else found = FALSE; break; } break; case 'T': if ( second == 'C' ) { CompileAs = compileAsC; } else if ( second == 'P' ) { CompileAs = compileAsCPlusPlus; } else { qWarning( "Generator: Options '/Tp<filename>' and '/Tc<filename>' are not supported by qmake" ); found = FALSE; break; } break; case 'U': UndefinePreprocessorDefinitions += option+2; break; case 'V': AdditionalOptions += option; break; case 'W': switch ( second ) { case 'a': case '4': WarningLevel = warningLevel_4; break; case '3': WarningLevel = warningLevel_3; break; case '2': WarningLevel = warningLevel_2; break; case '1': WarningLevel = warningLevel_1; break; case '0': WarningLevel = warningLevel_0; break; case 'L': AdditionalOptions += option; break; case 'X': WarnAsError = _True; break; case 'p': if ( third == '6' && fourth == '4' ) { Detect64BitPortabilityProblems = _True; break; } // Fallthrough default: found = FALSE; break; } break; case 'X': IgnoreStandardIncludePath = _True; break; case 'Y': switch ( second ) { case '\0': case '-': AdditionalOptions += option; break; case 'X': UsePrecompiledHeader = pchGenerateAuto; PrecompiledHeaderFile = option+3; break; case 'c': UsePrecompiledHeader = pchCreateUsingSpecific; PrecompiledHeaderFile = option+3; break; case 'd': case 'l': AdditionalOptions =+ option; break; case 'u': UsePrecompiledHeader = pchUseUsingSpecific; PrecompiledHeaderFile = option+3; break; default: found = FALSE; break; } break; case 'Z': switch ( second ) { case '7': DebugInformationFormat = debugOldStyleInfo; break; case 'I': DebugInformationFormat = debugEditAndContinue; break; case 'd': DebugInformationFormat = debugLineInfoOnly; break; case 'i': DebugInformationFormat = debugEnabled; break; case 'l': DebugInformationFormat = debugEditAndContinue; break; case 'a': DisableLanguageExtensions = _True; break; case 'e': DisableLanguageExtensions = _False; break; case 'c': if ( third == ':' ) { if ( fourth == 'f' ) ForceConformanceInForLoopScope = _True; else if ( fourth == 'w' ) TreatWChar_tAsBuiltInType = _True; else found = FALSE; } else { found = FALSE; break; } break; case 'g': case 'm': case 's': AdditionalOptions += option; break; case 'p': switch ( third ) { case '\0': case '1': StructMemberAlignment = alignSingleByte; if ( fourth == '6' ) StructMemberAlignment = alignSixteenBytes; break; case '2': StructMemberAlignment = alignTwoBytes; break; case '4': StructMemberAlignment = alignFourBytes; break; case '8': StructMemberAlignment = alignEightBytes; break; default: found = FALSE; break; } break; default: found = FALSE; break; } break; case 'c': if ( second == '\0' ) { CompileOnly = _True; } else if ( second == 'l' ) { if ( *(option+5) == 'n' ) { CompileAsManaged = managedAssembly; TurnOffAssemblyGeneration = _True; } else { CompileAsManaged = managedAssembly; } } else { found = FALSE; break; } break; case 'd': if ( second != 'r' ) { found = FALSE; break; } CompileAsManaged = managedAssembly; break; case 'n': if ( second == 'o' && third == 'B' && fourth == 'o' ) { AdditionalOptions += "/noBool"; break; } if ( second == 'o' && third == 'l' && fourth == 'o' ) { SuppressStartupBanner = _True; break; } found = FALSE; break; case 's': if ( second == 'h' && third == 'o' && fourth == 'w' ) { ShowIncludes = _True; break; } found = FALSE; break; case 'u': UndefineAllPreprocessorDefinitions = _True; break; case 'v': if ( second == 'd' || second == 'm' ) { AdditionalOptions += option; break; } found = FALSE; break; case 'w': switch ( second ) { case '\0': WarningLevel = warningLevel_0; break; case 'd': DisableSpecificWarnings += option+3; break; default: AdditionalOptions += option; } break; default: found = FALSE; break; } if( !found ) warn_msg( WarnLogic, "Could not parse Compiler option: %s", option ); return TRUE; } // VCLinkerTool ----------------------------------------------------- VCLinkerTool::VCLinkerTool() : EnableCOMDATFolding( optFoldingDefault ), GenerateDebugInformation( unset ), GenerateMapFile( unset ), HeapCommitSize( -1 ), HeapReserveSize( -1 ), IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries( unset ), IgnoreEmbeddedIDL( unset ), IgnoreImportLibrary( _True ), LargeAddressAware( addrAwareDefault ), LinkDLL( unset ), LinkIncremental( linkIncrementalDefault ), LinkTimeCodeGeneration( unset ), MapExports( unset ), MapLines( unset ), OptimizeForWindows98( optWin98Default ), OptimizeReferences( optReferencesDefault ), RegisterOutput( unset ), ResourceOnlyDLL( unset ), SetChecksum( unset ), ShowProgress( linkProgressNotSet ), StackCommitSize( -1 ), StackReserveSize( -1 ), SubSystem( subSystemNotSet ), SupportUnloadOfDelayLoadedDLL( unset ), SuppressStartupBanner( unset ), SwapRunFromCD( unset ), SwapRunFromNet( unset ), TargetMachine( machineNotSet ), TerminalServerAware( termSvrAwareDefault ), TurnOffAssemblyGeneration( unset ), TypeLibraryResourceID( 0 ) { } QTextStream &operator<<( QTextStream &strm, const VCLinkerTool &tool ) { strm << _begTool3; strm << _VCLinkerToolName; strm << XPair( _AdditionalDependencies4, tool.AdditionalDependencies, " " ); strm << XPair( _AdditionalLibraryDirectories, tool.AdditionalLibraryDirectories ); strm << XPair( _AdditionalOptions, tool.AdditionalOptions, " " ); strm << XPair( _AddModuleNamesToAssembly, tool.AddModuleNamesToAssembly ); strm << SPair( _BaseAddress, tool.BaseAddress ); strm << XPair( _DelayLoadDLLs, tool.DelayLoadDLLs ); if ( tool.EnableCOMDATFolding != optFoldingDefault ) strm << EPair( _EnableCOMDATFolding, tool.EnableCOMDATFolding ); strm << SPair( _EntryPointSymbol, tool.EntryPointSymbol ); strm << XPair( _ForceSymbolReferences, tool.ForceSymbolReferences ); strm << SPair( _FunctionOrder, tool.FunctionOrder ); strm << TPair( _GenerateDebugInformation, tool.GenerateDebugInformation ); strm << TPair( _GenerateMapFile, tool.GenerateMapFile ); if ( tool.HeapCommitSize != -1 ) strm << LPair( _HeapCommitSize, tool.HeapCommitSize ); if ( tool.HeapReserveSize != -1 ) strm << LPair( _HeapReserveSize, tool.HeapReserveSize ); strm << TPair( _IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries, tool.IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries ); strm << XPair( _IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames, tool.IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames ); strm << TPair( _IgnoreEmbeddedIDL, tool.IgnoreEmbeddedIDL ); strm << TPair( _IgnoreImportLibrary, tool.IgnoreImportLibrary ); strm << SPair( _ImportLibrary, tool.ImportLibrary ); if ( tool.LargeAddressAware != addrAwareDefault ) strm << EPair( _LargeAddressAware, tool.LargeAddressAware ); strm << TPair( _LinkDLL, tool.LinkDLL ); if ( tool.LinkIncremental != linkIncrementalDefault ) strm << EPair( _LinkIncremental, tool.LinkIncremental ); strm << TPair( _LinkTimeCodeGeneration, tool.LinkTimeCodeGeneration ); strm << SPair( _LinkToManagedResourceFile, tool.LinkToManagedResourceFile ); strm << TPair( _MapExports, tool.MapExports ); strm << SPair( _MapFileName, tool.MapFileName ); strm << TPair( _MapLines, tool.MapLines ); strm << SPair( _MergedIDLBaseFileName, tool.MergedIDLBaseFileName ); strm << SPair( _MergeSections, tool.MergeSections ); strm << SPair( _MidlCommandFile, tool.MidlCommandFile ); strm << SPair( _ModuleDefinitionFile, tool.ModuleDefinitionFile ); if ( tool.OptimizeForWindows98 != optWin98Default ) strm << EPair( _OptimizeForWindows98, tool.OptimizeForWindows98 ); if ( tool.OptimizeReferences != optReferencesDefault ) strm << EPair( _OptimizeReferences, tool.OptimizeReferences ); strm << SPair( _OutputFile, tool.OutputFile ); strm << _ProgramDatabaseFile << tool.ProgramDatabaseFile << "\""; strm << TPair( _RegisterOutput, tool.RegisterOutput ); strm << TPair( _ResourceOnlyDLL, tool.ResourceOnlyDLL ); strm << TPair( _SetChecksum, tool.SetChecksum ); if ( tool.ShowProgress != linkProgressNotSet ) strm << EPair( _ShowProgress, tool.ShowProgress ); if ( tool.StackCommitSize != -1 ) strm << LPair( _StackCommitSize, tool.StackCommitSize ); if ( tool.StackReserveSize != -1 ) strm << LPair( _StackReserveSize, tool.StackReserveSize ); strm << SPair( _StripPrivateSymbols, tool.StripPrivateSymbols ); strm << EPair( _SubSystem, tool.SubSystem ); strm << TPair( _SupportUnloadOfDelayLoadedDLL, tool.SupportUnloadOfDelayLoadedDLL ); strm << TPair( _SuppressStartupBanner, tool.SuppressStartupBanner ); strm << TPair( _SwapRunFromCD, tool.SwapRunFromCD ); strm << TPair( _SwapRunFromNet, tool.SwapRunFromNet ); if ( tool.TargetMachine != machineNotSet ) strm << EPair( _TargetMachine, tool.TargetMachine ); if ( tool.TerminalServerAware != termSvrAwareDefault ) strm << EPair( _TerminalServerAware, tool.TerminalServerAware ); strm << TPair( _TurnOffAssemblyGeneration, tool.TurnOffAssemblyGeneration ); strm << SPair( _TypeLibraryFile, tool.TypeLibraryFile ); if ( tool.TypeLibraryResourceID != rcUseDefault ) strm << LPair( _TypeLibraryResourceID, tool.TypeLibraryResourceID ); strm << SPair( _Version4, tool.Version ); strm << "/>"; return strm; } // Hashing routine to do fast option lookups ---- // Slightly rewritten to stop on ':' ',' and '\0' // Original routine in qtranslator.cpp ---------- static uint elfHash( const char* name ) { const uchar *k; uint h = 0; uint g; if ( name ) { k = (const uchar *) name; while ( (*k) && (*k)!= ':' && (*k)!=',' && (*k)!=' ' ) { h = ( h << 4 ) + *k++; if ( (g = (h & 0xf0000000)) != 0 ) h ^= g >> 24; h &= ~g; } } if ( !h ) h = 1; return h; } //#define USE_DISPLAY_HASH #ifdef USE_DISPLAY_HASH static void displayHash( const char* str ) { printf( "case 0x%07x: // %s\n break;\n", elfHash(str), str ); } #endif bool VCLinkerTool::parseOption( const char* option ) { #ifdef USE_DISPLAY_HASH // Main options displayHash( "/ALIGN" ); displayHash( "/ALLOWBIND" ); displayHash( "/ASSEMBLYMODULE" ); displayHash( "/ASSEMBLYRESOURCE" ); displayHash( "/BASE" ); displayHash( "/DEBUG" ); displayHash( "/DEF" ); displayHash( "/DEFAULTLIB" ); displayHash( "/DELAY" ); displayHash( "/DELAYLOAD" ); displayHash( "/DLL" ); displayHash( "/DRIVER" ); displayHash( "/ENTRY" ); displayHash( "/EXETYPE" ); displayHash( "/EXPORT" ); displayHash( "/FIXED" ); displayHash( "/FORCE" ); displayHash( "/HEAP" ); displayHash( "/IDLOUT" ); displayHash( "/IGNOREIDL" ); displayHash( "/IMPLIB" ); displayHash( "/INCLUDE" ); displayHash( "/INCREMENTAL" ); displayHash( "/LARGEADDRESSAWARE" ); displayHash( "/LIBPATH" ); displayHash( "/LTCG" ); displayHash( "/MACHINE" ); displayHash( "/MAP" ); displayHash( "/MAPINFO" ); displayHash( "/MERGE" ); displayHash( "/MIDL" ); displayHash( "/NOASSEMBLY" ); displayHash( "/NODEFAULTLIB" ); displayHash( "/NOENTRY" ); displayHash( "/NOLOGO" ); displayHash( "/OPT" ); displayHash( "/ORDER" ); displayHash( "/OUT" ); displayHash( "/PDB" ); displayHash( "/PDBSTRIPPED" ); displayHash( "/RELEASE" ); displayHash( "/SECTION" ); displayHash( "/STACK" ); displayHash( "/STUB" ); displayHash( "/SUBSYSTEM" ); displayHash( "/SWAPRUN" ); displayHash( "/TLBID" ); displayHash( "/TLBOUT" ); displayHash( "/TSAWARE" ); displayHash( "/VERBOSE" ); displayHash( "/VERSION" ); displayHash( "/VXD" ); displayHash( "/WS " ); #endif #ifdef USE_DISPLAY_HASH // Sub options displayHash( "UNLOAD" ); displayHash( "NOBIND" ); displayHash( "no" ); displayHash( "NOSTATUS" ); displayHash( "STATUS" ); displayHash( "AM33" ); displayHash( "ARM" ); displayHash( "CEE" ); displayHash( "IA64" ); displayHash( "X86" ); displayHash( "M32R" ); displayHash( "MIPS" ); displayHash( "MIPS16" ); displayHash( "MIPSFPU" ); displayHash( "MIPSFPU16" ); displayHash( "MIPSR41XX" ); displayHash( "PPC" ); displayHash( "SH3" ); displayHash( "SH4" ); displayHash( "SH5" ); displayHash( "THUMB" ); displayHash( "TRICORE" ); displayHash( "EXPORTS" ); displayHash( "LINES" ); displayHash( "REF" ); displayHash( "NOREF" ); displayHash( "ICF" ); displayHash( "WIN98" ); displayHash( "NOWIN98" ); displayHash( "CONSOLE" ); displayHash( "EFI_APPLICATION" ); displayHash( "EFI_BOOT_SERVICE_DRIVER" ); displayHash( "EFI_ROM" ); displayHash( "EFI_RUNTIME_DRIVER" ); displayHash( "NATIVE" ); displayHash( "POSIX" ); displayHash( "WINDOWS" ); displayHash( "WINDOWSCE" ); displayHash( "NET" ); displayHash( "CD" ); displayHash( "NO" ); #endif bool found = TRUE; switch ( elfHash(option) ) { case 0x3360dbe: // /ALIGN[:number] case 0x1485c34: // /ALLOWBIND[:NO] case 0x6b21972: // /DEFAULTLIB:library case 0x396ea92: // /DRIVER[:UPONLY | :WDM] case 0xaca9d75: // /EXETYPE[:DYNAMIC | :DEV386] case 0x3ad5444: // /EXPORT:entryname[,@ordinal[,NONAME]][,DATA] case 0x33aec94: // /FIXED[:NO] case 0x33b4675: // /FORCE:[MULTIPLE|UNRESOLVED] case 0x7988f7e: // /SECTION:name,[E][R][W][S][D][K][L][P][X][,ALIGN=#] case 0x0348992: // /STUB:filename case 0x0034bc4: // /VXD case 0x0034c50: // /WS AdditionalOptions += option; break; case 0x679c075: // /ASSEMBLYMODULE:filename AddModuleNamesToAssembly += option+15; break; case 0x062d065: // /ASSEMBLYRESOURCE:filename LinkToManagedResourceFile = option+18; break; case 0x0336675: // /BASE:{address | @filename,key} // Do we need to do a manual lookup when '@filename,key'? // Seems BaseAddress only can contain the location... // We don't use it in Qt, so keep it simple for now BaseAddress = option+6; break; case 0x3389797: // /DEBUG GenerateDebugInformation = _True; break; case 0x0033896: // /DEF:filename ModuleDefinitionFile = option+5; break; case 0x338a069: // /DELAY:{UNLOAD | NOBIND} // MS documentation does not specify what to do with // this option, so we'll put it in AdditionalOptions AdditionalOptions += option; break; case 0x06f4bf4: // /DELAYLOAD:dllname DelayLoadDLLs += option+11; break; // case 0x003390c: // /DLL // This option is not used for vcproj files // break; case 0x33a3979: // /ENTRY:function EntryPointSymbol = option+7; break; case 0x033c960: // /HEAP:reserve[,commit] { QStringList both = QStringList::split( ",", option+6 ); HeapReserveSize = both[0].toLong(); if ( both.count() == 2 ) HeapCommitSize = both[1].toLong(); } break; case 0x3d91494: // /IDLOUT:[path\]filename MergedIDLBaseFileName = option+8; break; case 0x345a04c: // /IGNOREIDL IgnoreEmbeddedIDL = _True; break; case 0x3e250e2: // /IMPLIB:filename ImportLibrary = option+8; break; case 0xe281ab5: // /INCLUDE:symbol ForceSymbolReferences += option+9; break; case 0xb28103c: // /INCREMENTAL[:no] if ( *(option+12) == ':' && *(option+13) == 'n' ) LinkIncremental = linkIncrementalNo; else LinkIncremental = linkIncrementalYes; break; case 0x26e4675: // /LARGEADDRESSAWARE[:no] if ( *(option+18) == ':' && *(option+19) == 'n' ) LargeAddressAware = addrAwareNoLarge; else LargeAddressAware = addrAwareLarge; break; case 0x0d745c8: // /LIBPATH:dir AdditionalLibraryDirectories += option+9; break; case 0x0341877: // /LTCG[:NOSTATUS|:STATUS] config->WholeProgramOptimization = _True; LinkTimeCodeGeneration = _True; if ( *(option+5) == ':' && *(option+6) == 'S' ) ShowProgress = linkProgressAll; break; case 0x157cf65: // /MACHINE:{AM33|ARM|CEE|IA64|X86|M32R|MIPS|MIPS16|MIPSFPU|MIPSFPU16|MIPSR41XX|PPC|SH3|SH4|SH5|THUMB|TRICORE} switch ( elfHash(option+9) ) { // Very limited documentation on all options but X86, // so we put the others in AdditionalOptions... case 0x0046063: // AM33 case 0x000466d: // ARM case 0x0004795: // CEE case 0x004d494: // IA64 case 0x0050672: // M32R case 0x0051e53: // MIPS case 0x51e5646: // MIPS16 case 0x1e57b05: // MIPSFPU case 0x57b09a6: // MIPSFPU16 case 0x5852738: // MIPSR41XX case 0x0005543: // PPC case 0x00057b3: // SH3 case 0x00057b4: // SH4 case 0x00057b5: // SH5 case 0x058da12: // THUMB case 0x96d8435: // TRICORE AdditionalOptions += option; break; case 0x0005bb6: // X86 TargetMachine = machineX86; break; default: found = FALSE; } break; case 0x0034160: // /MAP[:filename] GenerateMapFile = _True; MapFileName = option+5; break; case 0x164e1ef: // /MAPINFO:{EXPORTS|LINES} if ( *(option+9) == 'E' ) MapExports = _True; else if ( *(option+9) == 'L' ) MapLines = _True; break; case 0x341a6b5: // /MERGE:from=to MergeSections = option+7; break; case 0x0341d8c: // /MIDL:@file MidlCommandFile = option+7; break; case 0x84e2679: // /NOASSEMBLY TurnOffAssemblyGeneration = _True; break; case 0x2b21942: // /NODEFAULTLIB[:library] if ( *(option+13) == '\0' ) IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries = _True; else IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames += option+14; break; case 0x33a3a39: // /NOENTRY ResourceOnlyDLL = _True; break; case 0x434138f: // /NOLOGO SuppressStartupBanner = _True; break; case 0x0034454: // /OPT:{REF | NOREF | ICF[=iterations] | NOICF | WIN98 | NOWIN98} { char third = *(option+7); switch ( third ) { case 'F': // REF if ( *(option+5) == 'R' ) { OptimizeReferences = optReferences; } else { // ICF[=iterations] EnableCOMDATFolding = optFolding; // [=iterations] case is not documented } break; case 'R': // NOREF OptimizeReferences = optNoReferences; break; case 'I': // NOICF EnableCOMDATFolding = optNoFolding; break; case 'N': // WIN98 OptimizeForWindows98 = optWin98Yes; break; case 'W': // NOWIN98 OptimizeForWindows98 = optWin98No; break; default: found = FALSE; } } break; case 0x34468a2: // /ORDER:@filename FunctionOrder = option+8; break; case 0x00344a4: // /OUT:filename OutputFile = option+5; break; case 0x0034482: // /PDB:filename ProgramDatabaseFile = option+5; break; case 0xa2ad314: // /PDBSTRIPPED:pdb_file_name StripPrivateSymbols = option+13; break; case 0x6a09535: // /RELEASE SetChecksum = _True; break; case 0x348857b: // /STACK:reserve[,commit] { QStringList both = QStringList::split( ",", option+7 ); StackReserveSize = both[0].toLong(); if ( both.count() == 2 ) StackCommitSize = both[1].toLong(); } break; case 0x78dc00d: // /SUBSYSTEM:{CONSOLE|EFI_APPLICATION|EFI_BOOT_SERVICE_DRIVER|EFI_ROM|EFI_RUNTIME_DRIVER|NATIVE|POSIX|WINDOWS|WINDOWSCE}[,major[.minor]] { // Split up in subsystem, and version number QStringList both = QStringList::split( ",", option+11 ); switch ( elfHash(both[0].latin1()) ) { case 0x8438445: // CONSOLE SubSystem = subSystemConsole; break; case 0xbe29493: // WINDOWS SubSystem = subSystemWindows; break; // The following are undocumented, so add them to AdditionalOptions case 0x240949e: // EFI_APPLICATION case 0xe617652: // EFI_BOOT_SERVICE_DRIVER case 0x9af477d: // EFI_ROM case 0xd34df42: // EFI_RUNTIME_DRIVER case 0x5268ea5: // NATIVE case 0x05547e8: // POSIX case 0x2949c95: // WINDOWSCE AdditionalOptions += option; break; default: found = FALSE; } } break; case 0x8b654de: // /SWAPRUN:{NET | CD} if ( *(option+9) == 'N' ) SwapRunFromNet = _True; else if ( *(option+9) == 'C' ) SwapRunFromCD = _True; else found = FALSE; break; case 0x34906d4: // /TLBID:id TypeLibraryResourceID = QString( option+7 ).toLong(); break; case 0x4907494: // /TLBOUT:[path\]filename TypeLibraryFile = option+8; break; case 0x976b525: // /TSAWARE[:NO] if ( *(option+8) == ':' ) TerminalServerAware = termSvrAwareNo; else TerminalServerAware = termSvrAwareYes; break; case 0xaa67735: // /VERBOSE[:lib] if ( *(option+9) == ':' ) { ShowProgress = linkProgressLibs; AdditionalOptions += option; } else { ShowProgress = linkProgressAll; } break; case 0xaa77f7e: // /VERSION:major[.minor] Version = option+9; break; default: found = FALSE; } if( !found ) warn_msg( WarnLogic, "Could not parse Linker options: %s", option ); return found; } // VCMIDLTool ------------------------------------------------------- VCMIDLTool::VCMIDLTool() : DefaultCharType( midlCharUnsigned ), EnableErrorChecks( midlDisableAll ), ErrorCheckAllocations( unset ), ErrorCheckBounds( unset ), ErrorCheckEnumRange( unset ), ErrorCheckRefPointers( unset ), ErrorCheckStubData( unset ), GenerateStublessProxies( unset ), GenerateTypeLibrary( unset ), IgnoreStandardIncludePath( unset ), MkTypLibCompatible( unset ), StructMemberAlignment( midlAlignNotSet ), SuppressStartupBanner( unset ), TargetEnvironment( midlTargetNotSet ), ValidateParameters( unset ), WarnAsError( unset ), WarningLevel( midlWarningLevel_0 ) { } QTextStream &operator<<( QTextStream &strm, const VCMIDLTool &tool ) { strm << _begTool3; strm << _VCMIDLToolName; strm << XPair( _AdditionalIncludeDirectories, tool.AdditionalIncludeDirectories ); strm << XPair( _AdditionalOptions, tool.AdditionalOptions, " " ); strm << XPair( _CPreprocessOptions, tool.CPreprocessOptions ); strm << EPair( _DefaultCharType, tool.DefaultCharType ); strm << SPair( _DLLDataFileName, tool.DLLDataFileName ); strm << EPair( _EnableErrorChecks, tool.EnableErrorChecks ); strm << TPair( _ErrorCheckAllocations, tool.ErrorCheckAllocations ); strm << TPair( _ErrorCheckBounds, tool.ErrorCheckBounds ); strm << TPair( _ErrorCheckEnumRange, tool.ErrorCheckEnumRange ); strm << TPair( _ErrorCheckRefPointers, tool.ErrorCheckRefPointers ); strm << TPair( _ErrorCheckStubData, tool.ErrorCheckStubData ); strm << XPair( _FullIncludePath, tool.FullIncludePath ); strm << TPair( _GenerateStublessProxies, tool.GenerateStublessProxies ); strm << TPair( _GenerateTypeLibrary, tool.GenerateTypeLibrary ); strm << SPair( _HeaderFileName, tool.HeaderFileName ); strm << TPair( _IgnoreStandardIncludePath, tool.IgnoreStandardIncludePath ); strm << SPair( _InterfaceIdentifierFileName, tool.InterfaceIdentifierFileName ); strm << TPair( _MkTypLibCompatible, tool.MkTypLibCompatible ); strm << SPair( _OutputDirectory4, tool.OutputDirectory ); strm << XPair( _PreprocessorDefinitions, tool.PreprocessorDefinitions ); strm << SPair( _ProxyFileName, tool.ProxyFileName ); strm << SPair( _RedirectOutputAndErrors, tool.RedirectOutputAndErrors ); if ( tool.StructMemberAlignment != midlAlignNotSet) strm << EPair( _StructMemberAlignment, tool.StructMemberAlignment ); strm << TPair( _SuppressStartupBanner, tool.SuppressStartupBanner ); if ( tool.TargetEnvironment != midlTargetNotSet ) strm << EPair( _TargetEnvironment, tool.TargetEnvironment ); strm << SPair( _TypeLibraryName, tool.TypeLibraryName ); strm << XPair( _UndefinePreprocessorDefinitions, tool.UndefinePreprocessorDefinitions ); strm << TPair( _ValidateParameters, tool.ValidateParameters ); strm << TPair( _WarnAsError, tool.WarnAsError ); strm << EPair( _WarningLevel, tool.WarningLevel ); strm << "/>"; return strm; } bool VCMIDLTool::parseOption( const char* option ) { #ifdef USE_DISPLAY_HASH displayHash( "/D name[=def]" ); displayHash( "/I directory-list" ); displayHash( "/Oi" ); displayHash( "/Oic" ); displayHash( "/Oicf" ); displayHash( "/Oif" ); displayHash( "/Os" ); displayHash( "/U name" ); displayHash( "/WX" ); displayHash( "/W{0|1|2|3|4}" ); displayHash( "/Zp {N}" ); displayHash( "/Zs" ); displayHash( "/acf filename" ); displayHash( "/align {N}" ); displayHash( "/app_config" ); displayHash( "/c_ext" ); displayHash( "/char ascii7" ); displayHash( "/char signed" ); displayHash( "/char unsigned" ); displayHash( "/client none" ); displayHash( "/client stub" ); displayHash( "/confirm" ); displayHash( "/cpp_cmd cmd_line" ); displayHash( "/cpp_opt options" ); displayHash( "/cstub filename" ); displayHash( "/dlldata filename" ); displayHash( "/env win32" ); displayHash( "/env win64" ); displayHash( "/error all" ); displayHash( "/error allocation" ); displayHash( "/error bounds_check" ); displayHash( "/error enum" ); displayHash( "/error none" ); displayHash( "/error ref" ); displayHash( "/error stub_data" ); displayHash( "/h filename" ); displayHash( "/header filename" ); displayHash( "/iid filename" ); displayHash( "/lcid" ); displayHash( "/mktyplib203" ); displayHash( "/ms_ext" ); displayHash( "/ms_union" ); displayHash( "/msc_ver <nnnn>" ); displayHash( "/newtlb" ); displayHash( "/no_cpp" ); displayHash( "/no_def_idir" ); displayHash( "/no_default_epv" ); displayHash( "/no_format_opt" ); displayHash( "/no_warn" ); displayHash( "/nocpp" ); displayHash( "/nologo" ); displayHash( "/notlb" ); displayHash( "/o filename" ); displayHash( "/oldnames" ); displayHash( "/oldtlb" ); displayHash( "/osf" ); displayHash( "/out directory" ); displayHash( "/pack {N}" ); displayHash( "/prefix all" ); displayHash( "/prefix client" ); displayHash( "/prefix server" ); displayHash( "/prefix switch" ); displayHash( "/protocol all" ); displayHash( "/protocol dce" ); displayHash( "/protocol ndr64" ); displayHash( "/proxy filename" ); displayHash( "/robust" ); displayHash( "/rpcss" ); displayHash( "/savePP" ); displayHash( "/server none" ); displayHash( "/server stub" ); displayHash( "/sstub filename" ); displayHash( "/syntax_check" ); displayHash( "/target {system}" ); displayHash( "/tlb filename" ); displayHash( "/use_epv" ); displayHash( "/win32" ); displayHash( "/win64" ); #endif bool found = TRUE; int offset = 0; switch( elfHash(option) ) { case 0x0000334: // /D name[=def] PreprocessorDefinitions += option+3; break; case 0x0000339: // /I directory-list AdditionalIncludeDirectories += option+3; break; case 0x0345f96: // /Oicf case 0x00345f6: // /Oif GenerateStublessProxies = _True; break; case 0x0000345: // /U name UndefinePreprocessorDefinitions += option+3; break; case 0x00034c8: // /WX WarnAsError = _True; break; case 0x3582fde: // /align {N} offset = 3; // Fallthrough case 0x0003510: // /Zp {N} switch ( *(option+offset+4) ) { case '1': StructMemberAlignment = ( *(option+offset+5) == '\0' ) ? midlAlignSingleByte : midlAlignSixteenBytes; break; case '2': StructMemberAlignment = midlAlignTwoBytes; break; case '4': StructMemberAlignment = midlAlignFourBytes; break; case '8': StructMemberAlignment = midlAlignEightBytes; break; default: found = FALSE; } break; case 0x0359e82: // /char {ascii7|signed|unsigned} switch( *(option+6) ) { case 'a': DefaultCharType = midlCharAscii7; break; case 's': DefaultCharType = midlCharSigned; break; case 'u': DefaultCharType = midlCharUnsigned; break; default: found = FALSE; } break; case 0xa766524: // /cpp_opt options CPreprocessOptions += option+9; break; case 0xb32abf1: // /dlldata filename DLLDataFileName = option + 9; break; case 0x0035c56: // /env {win32|win64} TargetEnvironment = ( *(option+8) == '6' ) ? midlTargetWin64 : midlTargetWin32; break; case 0x35c9962: // /error {all|allocation|bounds_check|enum|none|ref|stub_data} EnableErrorChecks = midlEnableCustom; switch ( *(option+7) ) { case 'a': if ( *(option+10) == '\0' ) EnableErrorChecks = midlEnableAll; else ErrorCheckAllocations = _True; break; case 'b': ErrorCheckBounds = _True; break; case 'e': ErrorCheckEnumRange = _True; break; case 'n': EnableErrorChecks = midlDisableAll; break; case 'r': ErrorCheckRefPointers = _True; break; case 's': ErrorCheckStubData = _True; break; default: found = FALSE; } break; case 0x5eb7af2: // /header filename offset = 5; case 0x0000358: // /h filename HeaderFileName = option + offset + 3; break; case 0x0035ff4: // /iid filename InterfaceIdentifierFileName = option+5; break; case 0x64b7933: // /mktyplib203 MkTypLibCompatible = _True; break; case 0x8e0b0a2: // /no_def_idir IgnoreStandardIncludePath = _True; break; case 0x65635ef: // /nologo SuppressStartupBanner = _True; break; case 0x3656b22: // /notlb GenerateTypeLibrary = _True; break; case 0x000035f: // /o filename RedirectOutputAndErrors = option+3; break; case 0x00366c4: // /out directory OutputDirectory = option+5; break; case 0x36796f9: // /proxy filename ProxyFileName = option+7; break; case 0x6959c94: // /robust ValidateParameters = _True; break; case 0x6a88df4: // /target {system} if ( *(option+11) == '6' ) TargetEnvironment = midlTargetWin64; else TargetEnvironment = midlTargetWin32; break; case 0x0036b22: // /tlb filename TypeLibraryName = option+5; break; case 0x36e0162: // /win32 TargetEnvironment = midlTargetWin32; break; case 0x36e0194: // /win64 TargetEnvironment = midlTargetWin64; break; case 0x0003459: // /Oi case 0x00345f3: // /Oic case 0x0003463: // /Os case 0x0003513: // /Zs case 0x0035796: // /acf filename case 0x5b1cb97: // /app_config case 0x3595cf4: // /c_ext case 0x5a2fc64: // /client {none|stub} case 0xa64d3dd: // /confirm case 0xa765b64: // /cpp_cmd cmd_line case 0x35aabb2: // /cstub filename case 0x03629f4: // /lcid case 0x6495cc4: // /ms_ext case 0x96c7a1e: // /ms_union case 0x4996fa2: // /msc_ver <nnnn> case 0x64ceb12: // /newtlb case 0x6555a40: // /no_cpp case 0xf64d6a6: // /no_default_epv case 0x6dd9384: // /no_format_opt case 0x556dbee: // /no_warn case 0x3655a70: // /nocpp case 0x2b455a3: // /oldnames case 0x662bb12: // /oldtlb case 0x0036696: // /osf case 0x036679b: // /pack {N} case 0x678bd38: // /prefix {all|client|server|switch} case 0x96b702c: // /protocol {all|dce|ndr64} case 0x3696aa3: // /rpcss case 0x698ca60: // /savePP case 0x69c9cf2: // /server {none|stub} case 0x36aabb2: // /sstub filename case 0xce9b12b: // /syntax_check case 0xc9b5f16: // /use_epv AdditionalOptions += option; break; default: // /W{0|1|2|3|4} case if ( *(option+1) == 'W' ) { switch ( *(option+2) ) { case '0': WarningLevel = midlWarningLevel_0; break; case '1': WarningLevel = midlWarningLevel_1; break; case '2': WarningLevel = midlWarningLevel_2; break; case '3': WarningLevel = midlWarningLevel_3; break; case '4': WarningLevel = midlWarningLevel_4; break; default: found = FALSE; } } break; } if( !found ) warn_msg( WarnLogic, "Could not parse MIDL option: %s", option ); return TRUE; } // VCLibrarianTool -------------------------------------------------- VCLibrarianTool::VCLibrarianTool() : IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries( unset ), SuppressStartupBanner( _True ) { } QTextStream &operator<<( QTextStream &strm, const VCLibrarianTool &tool ) { strm << _begTool3; strm << SPair( _ToolName, QString( "VCLibrarianTool" ) ); strm << XPair( _AdditionalDependencies4, tool.AdditionalDependencies ); strm << XPair( _AdditionalLibraryDirectories, tool.AdditionalLibraryDirectories ); strm << XPair( _AdditionalOptions, tool.AdditionalOptions, " " ); strm << XPair( _ExportNamedFunctions, tool.ExportNamedFunctions ); strm << XPair( _ForceSymbolReferences, tool.ForceSymbolReferences ); strm << TPair( _IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries, tool.IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries ); strm << XPair( _IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames, tool.IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames ); strm << SPair( _ModuleDefinitionFile, tool.ModuleDefinitionFile ); strm << SPair( _OutputFile, tool.OutputFile ); strm << TPair( _SuppressStartupBanner, tool.SuppressStartupBanner ); strm << "/>"; return strm; } // VCCustomBuildTool ------------------------------------------------ VCCustomBuildTool::VCCustomBuildTool() { ToolName = "VCCustomBuildTool"; } QTextStream &operator<<( QTextStream &strm, const VCCustomBuildTool &tool ) { strm << _begTool3; strm << SPair( _ToolName, tool.ToolName ); strm << XPair( _AdditionalDependencies4, tool.AdditionalDependencies, ";" ); strm << XPair( _CommandLine4, tool.CommandLine, "\n" ); strm << SPair( _Description4, tool.Description ); strm << XPair( _Outputs4, tool.Outputs, ";" ); strm << SPair( _ToolPath, tool.ToolPath ); strm << "/>"; return strm; } // VCResourceCompilerTool ------------------------------------------- VCResourceCompilerTool::VCResourceCompilerTool() : Culture( rcUseDefault ), IgnoreStandardIncludePath( unset ), ShowProgress( linkProgressNotSet ) { PreprocessorDefinitions = "NDEBUG"; } QTextStream &operator<<( QTextStream &strm, const VCResourceCompilerTool &tool ) { strm << _begTool3; strm << _VCResourceCompilerToolName; strm << SPair( _ToolPath, tool.ToolPath ); strm << XPair( _AdditionalIncludeDirectories, tool.AdditionalIncludeDirectories ); strm << XPair( _AdditionalOptions, tool.AdditionalOptions, " " ); if ( tool.Culture != rcUseDefault ) strm << EPair( _Culture, tool.Culture ); strm << XPair( _FullIncludePath, tool.FullIncludePath ); strm << TPair( _IgnoreStandardIncludePath, tool.IgnoreStandardIncludePath ); strm << XPair( _PreprocessorDefinitions, tool.PreprocessorDefinitions ); strm << SPair( _ResourceOutputFileName, tool.ResourceOutputFileName ); if ( tool.ShowProgress != linkProgressNotSet ) strm << EPair( _ShowProgress, tool.ShowProgress ); strm << "/>"; return strm; } // VCEventTool ------------------------------------------------- QTextStream &operator<<( QTextStream &strm, const VCEventTool &tool ) { strm << _begTool3; strm << SPair( _ToolName, tool.ToolName ); strm << SPair( _ToolPath, tool.ToolPath ); strm << SPair( _CommandLine4, tool.CommandLine ); strm << SPair( _Description4, tool.Description ); strm << TPair( _ExcludedFromBuild, tool.ExcludedFromBuild ); strm << "/>"; return strm; } // VCPostBuildEventTool --------------------------------------------- VCPostBuildEventTool::VCPostBuildEventTool() { ToolName = "VCPostBuildEventTool"; } // VCPreBuildEventTool ---------------------------------------------- VCPreBuildEventTool::VCPreBuildEventTool() { ToolName = "VCPreBuildEventTool"; } // VCPreLinkEventTool ----------------------------------------------- VCPreLinkEventTool::VCPreLinkEventTool() { ToolName = "VCPreLinkEventTool"; } // VCConfiguration -------------------------------------------------- VCConfiguration::VCConfiguration() : ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage( unset ), BuildBrowserInformation( unset ), CharacterSet( charSetNotSet ), ConfigurationType( typeApplication ), RegisterOutput( unset ), UseOfATL( useATLNotSet ), UseOfMfc( useMfcStdWin ), WholeProgramOptimization( unset ) { compiler.config = this; linker.config = this; idl.config = this; } QTextStream &operator<<( QTextStream &strm, const VCConfiguration &tool ) { strm << _begConfiguration; strm << SPair( _Name3, tool.Name ); strm << SPair( _OutputDirectory3, tool.OutputDirectory ); strm << TPair( _ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage, tool.ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage ); strm << TPair( _BuildBrowserInformation, tool.BuildBrowserInformation ); if ( tool.CharacterSet != charSetNotSet) strm << EPair( _CharacterSet, tool.CharacterSet ); strm << EPair( _ConfigurationType, tool.ConfigurationType ); strm << SPair( _DeleteExtensionsOnClean, tool.DeleteExtensionsOnClean ); strm << SPair( _ImportLibrary, tool.ImportLibrary ); strm << SPair( _IntermediateDirectory, tool.IntermediateDirectory ); strm << SPair( _PrimaryOutput, tool.PrimaryOutput ); strm << SPair( _ProgramDatabase, tool.ProgramDatabase ); strm << TPair( _RegisterOutput, tool.RegisterOutput ); if ( tool.UseOfATL != useATLNotSet) strm << EPair( _UseOfATL, tool.UseOfATL ); strm << EPair( _UseOfMfc, tool.UseOfMfc ); strm << TPair( _WholeProgramOptimization, tool.WholeProgramOptimization ); strm << ">"; strm << tool.compiler; strm << tool.custom; if ( tool.ConfigurationType == typeStaticLibrary ) strm << tool.librarian; else strm << tool.linker; strm << tool.idl; strm << tool.postBuild; strm << tool.preBuild; strm << tool.preLink; strm << tool.resource; strm << _endConfiguration; return strm; } // VCFilter --------------------------------------------------------- VCFilter::VCFilter() : ParseFiles( unset ) { useCustomBuildTool = FALSE; useCompilerTool = FALSE; } void VCFilter::addMOCstage( QTextStream &strm, QString filename ) { QString mocOutput = Project->findMocDestination( filename ); QString mocApp = Project->var( "QMAKE_MOC" ); if( mocOutput.isEmpty() && filename.endsWith(".moc") ) { // In specialcases we DO moc .cpp files // when the result is an .moc file mocOutput = filename; filename = Project->findMocSource( mocOutput ); } if (mocOutput.isEmpty()) return; CustomBuildTool = VCCustomBuildTool(); useCustomBuildTool = TRUE; CustomBuildTool.Description = "Moc'ing " + filename + "..."; CustomBuildTool.CommandLine += (mocApp + " " + filename + " -o " + mocOutput); CustomBuildTool.AdditionalDependencies = mocApp; CustomBuildTool.Outputs += mocOutput; } void VCFilter::addUICstage( QTextStream &strm, QString str ) { CustomBuildTool = VCCustomBuildTool(); useCustomBuildTool = TRUE; QString uicApp = Project->var("QMAKE_UIC"); QString mocApp = Project->var( "QMAKE_MOC" ); QString fname = str.section( '\\', -1 ); QString mocDir = Project->var( "MOC_DIR" ); QString uiDir = Project->var( "UI_DIR" ); QString uiHeaders; QString uiSources; // Determining the paths for the output files. int slash = str.findRev( '\\' ); QString pname = ( slash != -1 ) ? str.left( slash+1 ) : QString( ".\\" ); if( !uiDir.isEmpty() ) { uiHeaders = uiDir; uiSources = uiDir; } else { uiHeaders = Project->var( "UI_HEADERS_DIR" ); uiSources = Project->var( "UI_SOURCES_DIR" ); if( uiHeaders.isEmpty() ) uiHeaders = pname; if( uiSources.isEmpty() ) uiSources = pname; } if( !uiHeaders.endsWith( "\\" ) ) uiHeaders += "\\"; if( !uiSources.endsWith( "\\" ) ) uiSources += "\\"; // Determine the file name. int dot = fname.findRev( '.' ); if( dot != -1 ) fname.truncate( dot ); if ( mocDir.isEmpty() ) mocDir = pname; CustomBuildTool.Description = ("Uic'ing " + str + "...\""); CustomBuildTool.CommandLine += // Create .h from .ui file uicApp + " " + str + " -o " + uiHeaders + fname + ".h"; CustomBuildTool.CommandLine += // Create .cpp from .ui file uicApp + " " + str + " -i " + fname + ".h -o " + uiSources + fname + ".cpp"; CustomBuildTool.CommandLine += // Moc the headerfile mocApp + " " + uiHeaders + fname + ".h -o " + mocDir + Option::h_moc_mod + fname + Option::h_moc_ext; CustomBuildTool.AdditionalDependencies += mocApp; CustomBuildTool.AdditionalDependencies += uicApp; CustomBuildTool.Outputs += uiHeaders + fname + ".h;" + uiSources + fname + ".cpp;" + mocDir + Option::h_moc_mod + fname + Option::h_moc_ext; } void VCFilter::modifyPCHstage( QTextStream &strm, QString str ) { bool isCFile = str.endsWith(".c"); bool isHFile = (str.endsWith(".h") && str == Project->precompH); if (!isCFile && !isHFile) return; CompilerTool = VCCLCompilerTool(); useCompilerTool = TRUE; // Unset some default options CompilerTool.BufferSecurityCheck = unset; CompilerTool.DebugInformationFormat = debugUnknown; CompilerTool.ExceptionHandling = unset; CompilerTool.GeneratePreprocessedFile = preprocessUnknown; CompilerTool.Optimization = optimizeDefault; CompilerTool.ProgramDataBaseFileName = QString::null; CompilerTool.RuntimeLibrary = rtUnknown; CompilerTool.WarningLevel = warningLevelUnknown; // Setup PCH options CompilerTool.UsePrecompiledHeader = (isCFile ? pchNone : pchCreateUsingSpecific); CompilerTool.PrecompiledHeaderThrough = "$(NOINHERIT)"; CompilerTool.ForcedIncludeFiles = "$(NOINHERIT)"; } bool VCFilter::addIMGstage( QTextStream &strm, QString str ) { bool isCorH = FALSE; if (str.endsWith(".c") || str.endsWith(".rc")) isCorH = TRUE; QStringList::Iterator it; for(it = Option::cpp_ext.begin(); it != Option::cpp_ext.end(); ++it) if(str.endsWith(*it)) isCorH = TRUE; for(it = Option::h_ext.begin(); it != Option::h_ext.end(); ++it) if(str.endsWith(*it)) isCorH = TRUE; QString collectionName = Project->project->first("QMAKE_IMAGE_COLLECTION"); if (str.isEmpty() || isCorH || collectionName.isEmpty()) return FALSE; CustomBuildTool = VCCustomBuildTool(); useCustomBuildTool = TRUE; // Some projects (like designer core) may have too many images to // call uic directly. Therefor we have to create a temporary // file, with the image list, and call uic with the -f option. QString tmpFileCmd = "echo "; QString tmpImageFilename = ".imgcol"; QStringList& list = Project->project->variables()["IMAGES"]; bool firstOutput = TRUE; it = list.begin(); while( it!=list.end() ) { tmpFileCmd += (*it) + " "; ++it; if (tmpFileCmd.length()>250 || it==list.end()) { CustomBuildTool.CommandLine += tmpFileCmd + (firstOutput?"> ":">> ") + tmpImageFilename; tmpFileCmd = "echo "; firstOutput = FALSE; } } QString uicApp = Project->var("QMAKE_UIC"); CustomBuildTool.Description = ("Generate imagecollection"); CustomBuildTool.CommandLine += uicApp + " -embed " + Project->project->first("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET") + " -f .imgcol -o " + collectionName; CustomBuildTool.AdditionalDependencies += uicApp; CustomBuildTool.AdditionalDependencies += list; CustomBuildTool.Outputs = collectionName; CustomBuildTool.Outputs += tmpImageFilename; return TRUE; } QTextStream &operator<<( QTextStream &strm, VCFilter &tool ) { if ( tool.Files.count() == 0 ) return strm; strm << _begFilter; strm << SPair( _Name3, tool.Name ); strm << TPair( _ParseFiles, tool.ParseFiles ); strm << SPair( _Filter, tool.Filter ); strm << ">"; bool resourceBuild = FALSE; int currentLevels = 0; QStringList currentDirs; for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = tool.Files.begin(); it != tool.Files.end(); ++it ) { if ( !tool.flat_files ) { QStringList newDirs = QStringList::split('\\',(*it)); newDirs.pop_back(); // Skip the filename int newLevels = int(newDirs.count()); int equalLevels = 0; for (int i = 0; i<currentLevels; i++, equalLevels++ ) if (currentDirs[i] != newDirs[i]) break; int closeFilters = currentLevels - equalLevels; int openFilters = newLevels - equalLevels; // close previous non-equal filter while ( closeFilters-- ) strm << _endFilter; // open new non-equal filters newLevels = 0; while ( openFilters-- ) { strm << _begFilter; strm << SPair( _Name3, newDirs[equalLevels + newLevels] ); strm << _Filter << "\">"; // Blank filter ++newLevels; } currentDirs = newDirs; currentLevels = int(newDirs.count()); } tool.useCustomBuildTool = FALSE; tool.useCompilerTool = FALSE; // Add UIC, MOC and PCH stages to file if ( tool.CustomBuild == moc ) tool.addMOCstage( strm, *it ); else if ( tool.CustomBuild == uic ) tool.addUICstage( strm, *it ); else if ( tool.CustomBuild == resource ) { if (!resourceBuild) resourceBuild = tool.addIMGstage(strm, *it); } if (tool.Project->usePCH) tool.modifyPCHstage( strm, *it ); strm << _begFile; strm << SPair( _RelativePath, *it ); strm << ">"; // Output custom build and compiler options // for all configurations if (tool.useCustomBuildTool || tool.useCompilerTool) { for ( uint i = 0; i < tool.Config->count(); i++ ) { strm << _begFileConfiguration; strm << _Name5; strm << (*tool.Config)[i].Name; strm << "\">"; if (tool.useCustomBuildTool) strm << tool.CustomBuildTool; if (tool.useCompilerTool) strm << tool.CompilerTool; strm << _endFileConfiguration; } } strm << _endFile; } // close remaining open filters, in non-flat mode while ( !tool.flat_files && currentLevels-- ) { strm << _endFilter; } strm << _endFilter; return strm; } // VCProject -------------------------------------------------------- VCProject::VCProject() { VCConfiguration conf; Configuration += conf ; // Release //Configuration += conf ; // Debug added later, after Release init } QTextStream &operator<<( QTextStream &strm, const VCProject &tool ) { strm << _xmlInit; strm << _begVisualStudioProject; strm << _ProjectType; strm << SPair( _Version1, tool.Version ); strm << SPair( _Name1, tool.Name ); strm << SPair( _ProjectGUID, tool.ProjectGUID ); strm << SPair( _SccProjectName, tool.SccProjectName ); strm << SPair( _SccLocalPath, tool.SccLocalPath ); strm << ">"; strm << _begPlatforms; strm << _begPlatform; strm << SPair( _Name3, tool.PlatformName ); strm << "/>"; strm << _endPlatforms; strm << _begConfigurations; for ( uint i = 0; i < tool.Configuration.count(); i++ ) strm << tool.Configuration[i]; strm << _endConfigurations; strm << _begFiles; strm << (VCFilter&)tool.SourceFiles; strm << (VCFilter&)tool.HeaderFiles; strm << (VCFilter&)tool.MOCFiles; strm << (VCFilter&)tool.UICFiles; strm << (VCFilter&)tool.FormFiles; strm << (VCFilter&)tool.TranslationFiles; strm << (VCFilter&)tool.LexYaccFiles; strm << (VCFilter&)tool.ResourceFiles; strm << _endFiles; strm << _begGlobals; strm << _endGlobals; strm << _endVisualStudioProject; return strm; }