/**************************************************************************** ** $Id$ ** ** Definition of ________ class. ** ** Created : 970521 ** ** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the network module of the Qt GUI Toolkit. ** ** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License ** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file ** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition licenses may use this ** file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided ** with the Software. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for ** information about Qt Commercial License Agreements. ** See http://www.trolltech.com/qpl/ for QPL licensing information. ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "winmakefile.h" #include "option.h" #include "project.h" #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qstring.h> #include <qdict.h> #include <qregexp.h> #include <qstringlist.h> #include <qdir.h> Win32MakefileGenerator::Win32MakefileGenerator(QMakeProject *p) : MakefileGenerator(p) { } struct SubDir { QString directory, profile, target, makefile; }; void Win32MakefileGenerator::writeSubDirs(QTextStream &t) { QPtrList<SubDir> subdirs; { QStringList subdirs_in = project->variables()["SUBDIRS"]; for(QStringList::Iterator it = subdirs_in.begin(); it != subdirs_in.end(); ++it) { QString file = (*it); file = fileFixify(file); SubDir *sd = new SubDir; subdirs.append(sd); sd->makefile = "$(MAKEFILE)"; if((*it).right(4) == ".pro") { int slsh = file.findRev(Option::dir_sep); if(slsh != -1) { sd->directory = file.left(slsh+1); sd->profile = file.mid(slsh+1); } else { sd->profile = file; } } else { sd->directory = file; } while(sd->directory.right(1) == Option::dir_sep) sd->directory = sd->directory.left(sd->directory.length() - 1); if(!sd->profile.isEmpty()) { QString basename = sd->directory; int new_slsh = basename.findRev(Option::dir_sep); if(new_slsh != -1) basename = basename.mid(new_slsh+1); if(sd->profile != basename + ".pro") sd->makefile += "." + sd->profile.left(sd->profile.length() - 4); //no need for the .pro } sd->target = "sub-" + (*it); sd->target.replace('/', '-'); sd->target.replace('.', '_'); } } QPtrListIterator<SubDir> it(subdirs); if(!project->isEmpty("MAKEFILE")) t << "MAKEFILE= " << var("MAKEFILE") << endl; t << "QMAKE = " << (project->isEmpty("QMAKE_QMAKE") ? QString("qmake") : var("QMAKE_QMAKE")) << endl; t << "SUBTARGETS = "; for( it.toFirst(); it.current(); ++it) t << " \\\n\t\t" << it.current()->target; t << endl << endl; t << "all: qmake_all $(SUBTARGETS)" << endl << endl; for( it.toFirst(); it.current(); ++it) { bool have_dir = !(*it)->directory.isEmpty(); //make the makefile QString mkfile = (*it)->makefile; if(have_dir) mkfile.prepend((*it)->directory + Option::dir_sep); t << mkfile << ":"; if(project->variables()["QMAKE_NOFORCE"].isEmpty()) t << " FORCE"; if(have_dir) t << "\n\t" << "cd " << (*it)->directory; t << "\n\t" << "$(QMAKE) " << (*it)->profile << " " << buildArgs(); if((*it)->makefile != "$(MAKEFILE)") t << " -o " << (*it)->makefile; if(have_dir) { int subLevels = it.current()->directory.contains(Option::dir_sep) + 1; t << "\n\t" << "@cd .."; for(int i = 1; i < subLevels; i++ ) t << Option::dir_sep << ".."; } t << endl; //now actually build t << (*it)->target << ": " << mkfile; if(project->variables()["QMAKE_NOFORCE"].isEmpty()) t << " FORCE"; if(have_dir) t << "\n\t" << "cd " << (*it)->directory; t << "\n\t" << "$(MAKE)"; if((*it)->makefile != "$(MAKEFILE)") t << " -f " << (*it)->makefile; if(have_dir) { int subLevels = it.current()->directory.contains(Option::dir_sep) + 1; t << "\n\t" << "@cd .."; for(int i = 1; i < subLevels; i++ ) t << Option::dir_sep << ".."; } t << endl << endl; } if(project->variables()["QMAKE_INTERNAL_QMAKE_DEPS"].findIndex("qmake_all") == -1) project->variables()["QMAKE_INTERNAL_QMAKE_DEPS"].append("qmake_all"); writeMakeQmake(t); t << "qmake_all:"; if ( !subdirs.isEmpty() ) { for( it.toFirst(); it.current(); ++it) { QString subdir = (*it)->directory; int subLevels = subdir.contains(Option::dir_sep) + 1; t << "\n\t" << "cd " << subdir << "\n\t"; int lastSlash = subdir.findRev(Option::dir_sep); if(lastSlash != -1) subdir = subdir.mid( lastSlash + 1 ); t << "$(QMAKE) " << subdir << ".pro" << (!project->isEmpty("MAKEFILE") ? QString(" -o ") + var("MAKEFILE") : QString("")) << " " << buildArgs() << "\n\t" << "@cd .."; for(int i = 1; i < subLevels; i++ ) t << Option::dir_sep << ".."; } } else { // Borland make does not like empty an empty command section, so insert // a dummy command. t << "\n\t" << "@cd ."; } t << endl << endl; QString targs[] = { QString("clean"), QString("install"), QString("mocclean"), QString::null }; for(int x = 0; targs[x] != QString::null; x++) { t << targs[x] << ": qmake_all"; if(targs[x] == "clean") t << varGlue("QMAKE_CLEAN","\n\t-del ","\n\t-del ", ""); if (!subdirs.isEmpty()) { for( it.toFirst(); it.current(); ++it) { int subLevels = (*it)->directory.contains(Option::dir_sep) + 1; bool have_dir = !(*it)->directory.isEmpty(); if(have_dir) t << "\n\t" << "cd " << (*it)->directory; QString in_file; if((*it)->makefile != "$(MAKEFILE)") in_file = " -f " + (*it)->makefile; t << "\n\t" << "$(MAKE) " << in_file << " " << targs[x]; if(have_dir) { t << "\n\t" << "@cd .."; for(int i = 1; i < subLevels; i++ ) t << Option::dir_sep << ".."; } } } else { // Borland make does not like empty an empty command section, so // insert a dummy command. t << "\n\t" << "@cd ."; } t << endl << endl; } if(project->variables()["QMAKE_NOFORCE"].isEmpty()) t << "FORCE:" << endl << endl; } int Win32MakefileGenerator::findHighestVersion(const QString &d, const QString &stem) { if(!QFile::exists(Option::fixPathToLocalOS(d))) return -1; if(!project->variables()["QMAKE_" + stem.upper() + "_VERSION_OVERRIDE"].isEmpty()) return project->variables()["QMAKE_" + stem.upper() + "_VERSION_OVERRIDE"].first().toInt(); QString bd = d; fixEnvVariables(bd); QDir dir(bd); int biggest=-1; QStringList entries = dir.entryList(); QRegExp regx( "(" + stem + "([0-9]*)).lib", FALSE ); for(QStringList::Iterator it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); ++it) { if(regx.exactMatch((*it))) biggest = QMAX(biggest, (regx.cap(1) == stem || regx.cap(2).isEmpty()) ? -1 : regx.cap(2).toInt()); } return biggest; } bool Win32MakefileGenerator::findLibraries(const QString &where) { QStringList &l = project->variables()[where]; QPtrList<MakefileDependDir> dirs; dirs.setAutoDelete(TRUE); for(QStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ) { QString opt = (*it); bool remove = FALSE; if(opt.startsWith("-L") || opt.startsWith("/L")) { QString r = opt.right(opt.length() - 2), l = Option::fixPathToLocalOS(r); dirs.append(new MakefileDependDir(r.replace("\"",""), l.replace("\"",""))); remove = TRUE; } else if(opt.startsWith("-l") || opt.startsWith("/l")) { QString lib = opt.right(opt.length() - 2), out; if(!lib.isEmpty()) { for(MakefileDependDir *mdd = dirs.first(); mdd; mdd = dirs.next() ) { int ver = findHighestVersion(mdd->local_dir, lib); if(ver > 0) lib += QString::number(ver); lib += ".lib"; if(QFile::exists(mdd->local_dir + Option::dir_sep + lib)) { out = mdd->real_dir + Option::dir_sep + lib; break; } } } if(out.isEmpty()) remove = TRUE; else (*it) = out; } else if(!QFile::exists(Option::fixPathToLocalOS(opt))) { QString dir, file = opt; int slsh = file.findRev(Option::dir_sep); if(slsh != -1) { dir = file.left(slsh+1); file = file.right(file.length() - slsh - 1); } if ( !(project->variables()["QMAKE_QT_DLL"].isEmpty() && (file == "qt.lib" || file == "qt-mt.lib")) ) { if(file.endsWith(".lib")) { file = file.left(file.length() - 4); if(!file.at(file.length()-1).isNumber()) { int ver = findHighestVersion(dir, file); if(ver != -1) { file = QString(dir + file + "%1" + ".lib"); if(ver) (*it) = file.arg(ver); else (*it) = file.arg(""); } } } } } if(remove) it = l.remove(it); else ++it; } return TRUE; } void Win32MakefileGenerator::processPrlFiles() { QDict<void> processed; QPtrList<MakefileDependDir> libdirs; libdirs.setAutoDelete(TRUE); { QStringList &libpaths = project->variables()["QMAKE_LIBDIR"]; for(QStringList::Iterator libpathit = libpaths.begin(); libpathit != libpaths.end(); ++libpathit) { QString r = (*libpathit), l = r; fixEnvVariables(l); libdirs.append(new MakefileDependDir(r.replace("\"",""), l.replace("\"",""))); } } for(bool ret = FALSE; TRUE; ret = FALSE) { //read in any prl files included.. QStringList l_out; QString where = "QMAKE_LIBS"; if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_INTERNAL_PRL_LIBS")) where = project->first("QMAKE_INTERNAL_PRL_LIBS"); QStringList &l = project->variables()[where]; for(QStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { QString opt = (*it); if(opt.left(1) == "/") { if(opt.left(9) == "/LIBPATH:") { QString r = opt.mid(9), l = r; fixEnvVariables(l); libdirs.append(new MakefileDependDir(r.replace("\"",""), l.replace("\"",""))); } } else { if(!processed[opt]) { if(processPrlFile(opt)) { processed.insert(opt, (void*)1); ret = TRUE; } else { for(MakefileDependDir *mdd = libdirs.first(); mdd; mdd = libdirs.next() ) { QString prl = mdd->local_dir + Option::dir_sep + opt; if(processed[prl]) { break; } else if(processPrlFile(prl)) { processed.insert(prl, (void*)1); ret = TRUE; break; } } } } } if(!opt.isEmpty()) l_out.append(opt); } if(ret) l = l_out; else break; } }