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#include "qmutexpool_p.h"


#include <qthread.h>

QMutexPool *qt_global_mutexpool = 0;

    \class QMutexPool qmutexpool_p.h
    \brief The QMutexPool class provides a pool of QMutex objects.


    \ingroup thread

    QMutexPool is a convenience class that provides access to a fixed
    number of QMutex objects.

    Typical use of a QMutexPool is in situations where it is not
    possible or feasible to use one QMutex for every protected object.
    The mutex pool will return a mutex based on the address of the
    object that needs protection.

    For example, consider this simple class:

    class Number {
	Number( double n ) : num ( n ) { }

	void setNumber( double n ) { num = n; }
	double number() const { return num; }

	double num;

    Adding a QMutex member to the Number class does not make sense,
    because it is so small. However, in order to ensure that access to
    each Number is protected, you need to use a mutex. In this case, a
    QMutexPool would be ideal.

    Code to calculate the square of a number would then look something
    like this:

    void calcSquare( Number *num )
	QMutexLocker locker( mutexpool.get( num ) );
	num.setNumber( num.number() * num.number() );

    This function will safely calculate the square of a number, since
    it uses a mutex from a QMutexPool. The mutex is locked and
    unlocked automatically by the QMutexLocker class. See the
    QMutexLocker documentation for more details.

    Constructs  a QMutexPool, reserving space for \a size QMutexes. If
    \a recursive is TRUE, all QMutexes in the pool will be recursive
    mutexes; otherwise they will all be non-recursive (the default).

    The QMutexes are created when needed, and deleted when the
    QMutexPool is destructed.
QMutexPool::QMutexPool( bool recursive, int size )
    : mutex( FALSE ), count( size ), recurs( recursive )
    mutexes = new QMutex*[count];
    for ( int index = 0; index < count; ++index ) {
	mutexes[index] = 0;

    Destructs a QMutexPool. All QMutexes that were created by the pool
    are deleted.
    QMutexLocker locker( &mutex );
    for ( int index = 0; index < count; ++index ) {
	delete mutexes[index];
	mutexes[index] = 0;
    delete [] mutexes;
    mutexes = 0;

    Returns a QMutex from the pool. QMutexPool uses the value \a
    address to determine which mutex is retured from the pool.
QMutex *QMutexPool::get( void *address )
    int index = (int) ( (unsigned long) address % count );

    if ( ! mutexes[index] ) {
	// mutex not created, create one

	QMutexLocker locker( &mutex );
	// we need to check once again that the mutex hasn't been created, since
	// 2 threads could be trying to create a mutex as the same index...
	if ( ! mutexes[index] ) {
	    mutexes[index] = new QMutex( recurs );

    return mutexes[index];
