/**************************************************************************** ** $Id$ ** ** Implementation of QSettings class ** ** Created: 2000.06.26 ** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the tools module of the Qt GUI Toolkit. ** ** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License ** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file ** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License ** Agreement provided with the Software. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for ** information about Qt Commercial License Agreements. ** See http://www.trolltech.com/qpl/ for QPL licensing information. ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "qplatformdefs.h" // POSIX Large File Support redefines open -> open64 static inline int qt_open( const char *pathname, int flags, mode_t mode ) { return ::open( pathname, flags, mode ); } #if defined(open) # undef open #endif // POSIX Large File Support redefines truncate -> truncate64 #if defined(truncate) # undef truncate #endif #include "qsettings.h" #ifndef QT_NO_SETTINGS #include "qdir.h" #include "qfile.h" #include "qfileinfo.h" #include "qmap.h" #include "qtextstream.h" #include "qregexp.h" #include <private/qsettings_p.h> #include <errno.h> /*! \class QSettings \brief The QSettings class provides persistent platform-independent application settings. \ingroup io \ingroup misc \mainclass On Unix systems, QSettings uses text files to store settings. On Windows systems, QSettings uses the system registry. On Mac OS X, QSettings will behave as on Unix, and store to text files. Each setting comprises an identifying key and the data associated with the key. A key is a unicode string which consists of \e two or more subkeys. A subkey is a slash, '/', followed by one or more unicode characters (excluding slashes, newlines, carriage returns and equals, '=', signs). The associated data, called the entry or value, may be a boolean, an integer, a double, a string or a list of strings. Entry strings may contain any unicode characters. If you want to save and restore the entire desktop's settings, i.e. which applications are running, use QSettings to save the settings for each individual application and QSessionManager to save the desktop's session. Example settings: \code /MyCompany/MyApplication/background color /MyCompany/MyApplication/foreground color /MyCompany/MyApplication/geometry/x /MyCompany/MyApplication/geometry/y /MyCompany/MyApplication/geometry/width /MyCompany/MyApplication/geometry/height /MyCompany/MyApplication/recent files/1 /MyCompany/MyApplication/recent files/2 /MyCompany/MyApplication/recent files/3 \endcode Each line above is a complete key, made up of subkeys. A typical usage pattern for application startup: \code QSettings settings; settings.insertSearchPath( QSettings::Windows, "/MyCompany" ); // No search path needed for Unix; see notes further on. // Use default values if the keys don't exist QString bgColor = settings.readEntry( "/MyApplication/background color", "white" ); int width = settings.readNumEntry( "/MyApplication/geometry/width", 640 ); // ... \endcode A typical usage pattern for application exit or 'save preferences': \code QSettings settings; settings.insertSearchPath( QSettings::Windows, "/MyCompany" ); // No search path needed for Unix; see notes further on. settings.writeEntry( "/MyApplication/background color", bgColor ); settings.writeEntry( "/MyApplication/geometry/width", width ); // ... \endcode You can get a list of entry-holding keys by calling entryList(), and a list of key-holding keys using subkeyList(). \code QStringList keys = entryList( "/MyApplication" ); // keys contains 'background color' and 'foreground color'. QStringList keys = entryList( "/MyApplication/recent files" ); // keys contains '1', '2' and '3'. QStringList subkeys = subkeyList( "/MyApplication" ); // subkeys contains 'geometry' and 'recent files' QStringList subkeys = subkeyList( "/MyApplication/recent files" ); // subkeys is empty. \endcode If you wish to use a different search path call insertSearchPath() as often as necessary to add your preferred paths. Call removeSearchPath() to remove any unwanted paths. Since settings for Windows are stored in the registry there are size limits as follows: \list \i A subkey may not exceed 255 characters. \i An entry's value may not exceed 16,300 characters. \i All the values of a key (for example, all the 'recent files' subkeys values), may not exceed 65,535 characters. \endlist These limitations are not enforced on Unix. \section1 Notes for Unix Applications There is no universally accepted place for storing application settings under Unix. In the examples the settings file will be searched for in the following directories: \list 1 \i INSTALL/etc/settings \i /opt/MyCompany/share/etc \i /opt/MyCompany/share/MyApplication/etc \i $HOME/.qt \endlist When reading settings the files are searched in the order shown above, with later settings overriding earlier settings. Files for which the user doesn't have read permission are ignored. When saving settings QSettings works in the order shown above, writing to the first settings file for which the user has write permission. (\c INSTALL is the directory where Qt was installed. This can be modified by using the configure script's -prefix argument ) If you want to put the settings in a particular place in the filesystem you could do this: \code settings.insertSearchPath( QSettings::Unix, "/opt/MyCompany/share" ); \endcode But in practice you may prefer not to use a search path for Unix. For example the following code: \code settings.writeEntry( "/MyApplication/geometry/width", width ); \endcode will end up writing the "geometry/width" setting to the file \c{$HOME/.qt/myapplicationrc} (assuming that the application is being run by an ordinary user, i.e. not by root). For cross-platform applications you should ensure that the Windows size limitations are not exceeded. */ /*! \enum QSettings::System \value Mac Macintosh execution environments \value Unix Mac OS X, Unix, Linux and Unix-like execution environments \value Windows Windows execution environments */ /*! \enum QSettings::Format \value Native Store the settings in a platform dependent location \value Ini Store the settings in a text file */ /*! \enum QSettings::Scope \value Global Save settings as global as possible \value User Save settings in user space */ #if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) typedef int HANDLE; #define Q_LOCKREAD F_RDLCK #define Q_LOCKWRITE F_WRLCK /* Locks the file specified by name. The lockfile is created as a hidden file in the same directory as the target file, with .lock appended to the name. For example, "/etc/settings/onerc" uses a lockfile named "/etc/settings/.onerc.lock". The type argument controls the type of the lock, it can be either F_RDLCK for a read lock, or F_WRLCK for a write lock. A file descriptor for the lock file is returned, and should be closed with closelock() when the lock is no longer needed. */ static HANDLE openlock( const QString &name, int type ) { QFileInfo info( name ); // lockfile should be hidden, and never removed QString lockfile = info.dirPath() + "/." + info.fileName() + ".lock"; // open the lockfile HANDLE fd = qt_open( QFile::encodeName( lockfile ), O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR ); if ( fd < 0 ) { // failed to open the lock file, most likely because of permissions return fd; } struct flock fl; fl.l_type = type; fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET; fl.l_start = 0; fl.l_len = 0; if ( fcntl( fd, F_SETLKW, &fl ) == -1 ) { // the lock failed, so we should fail silently, so that people // using filesystems that do not support locking don't see // numerous warnings about a failed lock close( fd ); fd = -1; } return fd; } /* Closes the lock file specified by fd. fd is the file descriptor returned by the openlock() function. */ static void closelock( HANDLE fd ) { if ( fd < 0 ) { // the lock file is not open return; } struct flock fl; fl.l_type = F_UNLCK; fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET; fl.l_start = 0; fl.l_len = 0; // ignore the return value, so that the unlock fails silently (void) fcntl( fd, F_SETLKW, &fl ); close( fd ); } #elif defined(Q_WS_WIN) #define Q_LOCKREAD 1 #define Q_LOCKWRITE 2 static HANDLE openlock( const QString &name, int /*type*/ ) { if ( !QFile::exists( name ) ) return 0; return 0; HANDLE fd = 0; QT_WA( { fd = CreateFileW( (TCHAR*)name.ucs2(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); } , { fd = CreateFileA( name.local8Bit(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); } ); if ( !LockFile( fd, 0, 0, -1, -1 ) ) { #ifdef QT_CHECK_STATE qWarning( "QSettings: openlock failed!" ); #endif } return fd; } void closelock( HANDLE fd ) { if ( !fd ) return; if ( !UnlockFile( fd, 0, 0, -1, -1 ) ) { #ifdef QT_CHECK_STATE qWarning( "QSettings: closelock failed!"); #endif } CloseHandle( fd ); } #endif QSettingsGroup::QSettingsGroup() : modified(FALSE) { } void QSettingsHeading::read(const QString &filename) { if (! QFileInfo(filename).exists()) return; HANDLE lockfd = openlock( filename, Q_LOCKREAD ); QFile file(filename); if (! file.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { #if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE) qWarning("QSettings: failed to open file '%s'", filename.latin1()); #endif return; } git = end(); QTextStream stream(&file); stream.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8); while (! stream.atEnd()) parseLine(stream); git = end(); file.close(); closelock( lockfd ); } void QSettingsHeading::parseLine(QTextStream &stream) { QString line = stream.readLine(); if (line.isEmpty()) // empty line... we'll allow it return; if (line[0] == QChar('#')) // commented line return; if (line[0] == QChar('[')) { QString gname = line; gname = gname.remove(0, 1); if (gname[(int)gname.length() - 1] == QChar(']')) gname = gname.remove(gname.length() - 1, 1); git = find(gname); if (git == end()) git = replace(gname, QSettingsGroup()); } else { if (git == end()) { #if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE) qWarning("QSettings: line '%s' out of group", line.latin1()); #endif return; } int i = line.find('='); if (i == -1) { #if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE) qWarning("QSettings: malformed line '%s' in group '%s'", line.latin1(), git.key().latin1()); #endif return; } else { QString key, value; key = line.left(i); value = ""; bool esc=TRUE; i++; while (esc) { esc = FALSE; for ( ; i < (int)line.length(); i++ ) { if ( esc ) { if ( line[i] == 'n' ) value.append('\n'); // escaped newline else if ( line[i] == '0' ) value = QString::null; // escaped empty string else value.append(line[i]); esc = FALSE; } else if ( line[i] == '\\' ) esc = TRUE; else value.append(line[i]); } if ( esc ) { // Backwards-compatiblity... // still escaped at EOL - manually escaped "newline" if (stream.atEnd()) { #if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE) qWarning("QSettings: reached end of file, expected continued line"); #endif break; } value.append('\n'); line = stream.readLine(); i = 0; } } (*git).insert(key, value); } } } #ifdef Q_WS_WIN // for homedirpath reading from registry #include "qt_windows.h" #include "qlibrary.h" #ifndef CSIDL_APPDATA #define CSIDL_APPDATA 0x001a // <user name>\Application Data #endif #ifndef CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA #define CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA 0x0023 // All Users\Application Data #endif #endif QSettingsPrivate::QSettingsPrivate( QSettings::Format format ) : groupDirty( TRUE ), modified(FALSE), globalScope(TRUE) { #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC) if ( format != QSettings::Ini ) return; #endif QString appSettings(QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.qt/"); QString defPath; #ifdef Q_WS_WIN #ifdef Q_OS_TEMP TCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; SHGetSpecialFolderPath( 0, path, CSIDL_APPDATA, FALSE ); appSettings = QString::fromUcs2( path ); SHGetSpecialFolderPath( 0, path, CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA, FALSE ); defPath = QString::fromUcs2( path ); #else QLibrary library( "shell32" ); library.setAutoUnload( FALSE ); QT_WA( { typedef BOOL (WINAPI*GetSpecialFolderPath)(HWND, LPTSTR, int, BOOL); GetSpecialFolderPath SHGetSpecialFolderPath = (GetSpecialFolderPath)library.resolve( "SHGetSpecialFolderPathW" ); if ( SHGetSpecialFolderPath ) { TCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; SHGetSpecialFolderPath( 0, path, CSIDL_APPDATA, FALSE ); appSettings = QString::fromUcs2( (ushort*)path ); SHGetSpecialFolderPath( 0, path, CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA, FALSE ); defPath = QString::fromUcs2( (ushort*)path ); } } , { typedef BOOL (WINAPI*GetSpecialFolderPath)(HWND, char*, int, BOOL); GetSpecialFolderPath SHGetSpecialFolderPath = (GetSpecialFolderPath)library.resolve( "SHGetSpecialFolderPathA" ); if ( SHGetSpecialFolderPath ) { char path[MAX_PATH]; SHGetSpecialFolderPath( 0, path, CSIDL_APPDATA, FALSE ); appSettings = QString::fromLocal8Bit( path ); SHGetSpecialFolderPath( 0, path, CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA, FALSE ); defPath = QString::fromLocal8Bit( path ); } } ); #endif // Q_OS_TEMP #else // for now #define QSETTINGS_DEFAULT_PATH_SUFFIX "/etc/settings" defPath = qInstallPath(); defPath += QSETTINGS_DEFAULT_PATH_SUFFIX; #endif QDir dir(appSettings); if (! dir.exists()) { if (! dir.mkdir(dir.path())) #if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE) qWarning("QSettings: error creating %s", dir.path().latin1()); #endif } if ( !!defPath ) searchPaths.append(defPath); searchPaths.append(dir.path()); } QSettingsPrivate::~QSettingsPrivate() { } QSettingsGroup QSettingsPrivate::readGroup() { QSettingsHeading hd; QSettingsGroup grp; QMap<QString,QSettingsHeading>::Iterator headingsit = headings.find(heading); if (headingsit != headings.end()) hd = *headingsit; QSettingsHeading::Iterator grpit = hd.find(group); if (grpit == hd.end()) { QStringList::Iterator it = searchPaths.begin(); while (it != searchPaths.end()) { QString filebase = heading.lower().replace(QRegExp("\\s+"), "_"); QString fn((*it++) + "/" + filebase + "rc"); if (! hd.contains(fn + "cached")) { hd.read(fn); hd.insert(fn + "cached", QSettingsGroup()); } } headings.replace(heading, hd); grpit = hd.find(group); if (grpit != hd.end()) grp = *grpit; } else if (hd.count() != 0) grp = *grpit; return grp; } void QSettingsPrivate::removeGroup(const QString &key) { QSettingsHeading hd; QSettingsGroup grp; bool found = FALSE; QMap<QString,QSettingsHeading>::Iterator headingsit = headings.find(heading); if (headingsit != headings.end()) hd = *headingsit; QSettingsHeading::Iterator grpit = hd.find(group); if (grpit == hd.end()) { QStringList::Iterator it = searchPaths.begin(); while (it != searchPaths.end()) { QString filebase = heading.lower().replace(QRegExp("\\s+"), "_"); QString fn((*it++) + "/" + filebase + "rc"); if (! hd.contains(fn + "cached")) { hd.read(fn); hd.insert(fn + "cached", QSettingsGroup()); } } headings.replace(heading, hd); grpit = hd.find(group); if (grpit != hd.end()) { found = TRUE; grp = *grpit; } } else if (hd.count() != 0) { found = TRUE; grp = *grpit; } if (found) { grp.remove(key); if (grp.count() > 0) hd.replace(group, grp); else hd.remove(group); if (hd.count() > 0) headings.replace(heading, hd); else headings.remove(heading); modified = TRUE; } } void QSettingsPrivate::writeGroup(const QString &key, const QString &value) { QSettingsHeading hd; QSettingsGroup grp; QMap<QString,QSettingsHeading>::Iterator headingsit = headings.find(heading); if (headingsit != headings.end()) hd = *headingsit; QSettingsHeading::Iterator grpit = hd.find(group); if (grpit == hd.end()) { QStringList::Iterator it = searchPaths.begin(); while (it != searchPaths.end()) { QString filebase = heading.lower().replace(QRegExp("\\s+"), "_"); QString fn((*it++) + "/" + filebase + "rc"); if (! hd.contains(fn + "cached")) { hd.read(fn); hd.insert(fn + "cached", QSettingsGroup()); } } headings.replace(heading, hd); grpit = hd.find(group); if (grpit != hd.end()) grp = *grpit; } else if (hd.count() != 0) grp = *grpit; grp.modified = TRUE; grp.replace(key, value); hd.replace(group, grp); headings.replace(heading, hd); modified = TRUE; } QDateTime QSettingsPrivate::modificationTime() { QSettingsHeading hd = headings[heading]; QSettingsGroup grp = hd[group]; QDateTime datetime; QStringList::Iterator it = searchPaths.begin(); while (it != searchPaths.end()) { QFileInfo fi((*it++) + "/" + heading + "rc"); if (fi.exists() && fi.lastModified() > datetime) datetime = fi.lastModified(); } return datetime; } static bool verifyKey( const QString &key ) { if ( key.isEmpty() || key[0] != '/' || key.contains( QRegExp("[=\\\\r\\\\n" ) ) ) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static inline QString groupKey( const QString &group, const QString &key ) { if ( group.endsWith( "/" ) || key.startsWith( "/" ) ) return group + key; return group + "/" + key; } /*! Inserts \a path into the settings search path. The semantics of \a path depends on the system \a s. When \a s is \e Windows and the execution environment is \e not Windows the function does nothing. Similarly when \a s is \e Unix and the execution environment is \e not Unix the function does nothing. When \a s is \e Windows, and the execution environment is Windows, the search path list will be used as the first subfolder of the "Software" folder in the registry. When reading settings the folders are searched forwards from the first folder (listed below) to the last, returning the first settings found, and ignoring any folders for which the user doesn't have read permission. \list 1 \i HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/MyCompany/MyApplication \i HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/MyCompany/MyApplication \i HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/MyApplication \i HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/MyApplication \endlist \code QSettings settings; settings.insertSearchPath( QSettings::Windows, "/MyCompany" ); settings.writeEntry( "/MyApplication/Tip of the day", TRUE ); \endcode The code above will write the subkey "Tip of the day" into the \e first of the registry folders listed below that is found and for which the user has write permission. \list 1 \i HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/MyCompany/MyApplication \i HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/MyCompany/MyApplication \i HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/MyApplication \i HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/MyApplication \endlist If a setting is found in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER space, this setting is overwritten independently of write permissions in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE space. When \a s is \e Unix, and the execution environment is Unix, the search path list will be used when trying to determine a suitable filename for reading and writing settings files. By default, there are two entries in the search path: \list 1 \i INSTALL/etc - where \c INSTALL is the directory where Qt was installed. \i $HOME/.qt/ - where \c $HOME is the user's home directory. \endlist All insertions into the search path will go before $HOME/.qt/. For example: \code QSettings settings; settings.insertSearchPath( QSettings::Unix, "/opt/MyCompany/share/etc" ); settings.insertSearchPath( QSettings::Unix, "/opt/MyCompany/share/MyApplication/etc" ); // ... \endcode Will result in a search path of: \list 1 \i INSTALL/etc \i /opt/MyCompany/share/etc \i /opt/MyCompany/share/MyApplication/etc \i $HOME/.qt \endlist When reading settings the files are searched in the order shown above, with later settings overriding earlier settings. Files for which the user doesn't have read permission are ignored. When saving settings QSettings works in the order shown above, writing to the first settings file for which the user has write permission. Settings under Unix are stored in files whose names are based on the first subkey of the key (not including the search path). The algorithm for creating names is essentially: lowercase the first subkey, replace spaces with underscores and add 'rc', e.g. <tt>/MyCompany/MyApplication/background color</tt> will be stored in <tt>myapplicationrc</tt> (assuming that <tt>/MyCompany</tt> is part of the search path). \sa removeSearchPath() */ void QSettings::insertSearchPath( System s, const QString &path) { #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC) if ( d->sysd ) { d->sysInsertSearchPath( s, path ); return; } #endif if ( !verifyKey( path ) ) { #if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE) qWarning( "QSettings::insertSearchPath: Invalid key: '%s'", path.isNull() ? "(null)" : path.latin1() ); #endif return; } #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC) if ( d->sysd && s != Unix ) { #else if ( s != Unix ) { #endif #ifdef Q_OS_MAC if(s != Mac) //mac is respected on the mac as well #endif return; } QStringList::Iterator it = d->searchPaths.find(d->searchPaths.last()); if (it != d->searchPaths.end()) { d->searchPaths.insert(it, path); } } /*! Removes all occurrences of \a path (using exact matching) from the settings search path for system \a s. Note that the default search paths cannot be removed. \sa insertSearchPath() */ void QSettings::removeSearchPath( System s, const QString &path) { if ( !verifyKey( path ) ) { #if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE) qWarning( "QSettings::insertSearchPath: Invalid key: '%s'", path.isNull() ? "(null)" : path.latin1() ); #endif return; } #ifdef Q_WS_WIN if ( d->sysd ) { d->sysRemoveSearchPath( s, path ); return; } #endif #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC) if ( d->sysd && s != Unix ) { #else if ( s != Unix ) { #endif #ifdef Q_OS_MAC if(s != Mac) //mac is respected on the mac as well #endif return; } if (path == d->searchPaths.first() || path == d->searchPaths.last()) return; d->searchPaths.remove(path); } /*! Creates a settings object. */ QSettings::QSettings() { d = new QSettingsPrivate( Native ); Q_CHECK_PTR(d); #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC) d->sysd = 0; d->sysInit(); #endif } /*! Creates a settings object. If \a format is 'Ini' the settings will be stored in a text file, using the Unix strategy (see above). If \a format is 'Native', the settings will be stored in a platform specific way (ie. the Windows registry). */ QSettings::QSettings( Format format ) { d = new QSettingsPrivate( format ); Q_CHECK_PTR(d); #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC) d->sysd = 0; if ( format == Native ) d->sysInit(); #else Q_UNUSED(format); #endif } /*! Destroys the settings object. All modifications made to the settings will automatically be saved. */ QSettings::~QSettings() { sync(); #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC) if ( d->sysd ) d->sysClear(); #endif delete d; } /*! \internal Writes all modifications to the settings to disk. If any errors are encountered, this function returns FALSE, otherwise it will return TRUE. */ bool QSettings::sync() { #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC) if ( d->sysd ) return d->sysSync(); #endif if (! d->modified) // fake success return TRUE; bool success = TRUE; QMap<QString,QSettingsHeading>::Iterator it = d->headings.begin(); while (it != d->headings.end()) { // determine filename QSettingsHeading hd(*it); QSettingsHeading::Iterator hdit = hd.begin(); QFile file; QStringList::Iterator pit = d->searchPaths.begin(); while (pit != d->searchPaths.end()) { QString filebase = it.key().lower().replace(QRegExp("\\s+"), "_"); QFileInfo di(*pit); QFileInfo fi((*pit++) + "/" + filebase + "rc"); if ((fi.exists() && fi.isFile() && fi.isWritable()) || (! fi.exists() && di.isDir() && di.isWritable())) { file.setName(fi.filePath()); break; } } it++; if (file.name().isNull() || file.name().isEmpty()) { #ifdef QT_CHECK_STATE qWarning("QSettings::sync: filename is null/empty"); #endif // QT_CHECK_STATE success = FALSE; continue; } HANDLE lockfd = openlock( file.name(), Q_LOCKWRITE ); if (! file.open(IO_WriteOnly)) { #ifdef QT_CHECK_STATE qWarning("QSettings::sync: failed to open '%s' for writing", file.name().latin1()); #endif // QT_CHECK_STATE success = FALSE; continue; } // spew to file QTextStream stream(&file); stream.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8); while (hdit != hd.end()) { if ((*hdit).count() > 0) { stream << "[" << hdit.key() << "]" << endl; QSettingsGroup grp(*hdit); QSettingsGroup::Iterator grpit = grp.begin(); while (grpit != grp.end()) { QString v = grpit.data(); if ( v.isNull() ) { v = "\\0"; // escape null string } else { v.replace("\\", "\\\\"); // escape backslash v.replace("\n", "\\n"); // escape newlines } stream << grpit.key() << "=" << v << endl; grpit++; } stream << endl; } hdit++; } if (file.status() != IO_Ok) { #ifdef QT_CHECK_STATE qWarning("QSettings::sync: error at end of write"); #endif // QT_CHECK_STATE success = FALSE; } file.close(); closelock( lockfd ); } d->modified = FALSE; return success; } /*! \fn bool QSettings::readBoolEntry(const QString &key, bool def, bool *ok ) const Reads the entry specified by \a key, and returns a bool, or the default value, \a def, if the entry couldn't be read. If \a ok is non-null, *ok is set to TRUE if the key was read, FALSE otherwise. \sa readEntry(), readNumEntry(), readDoubleEntry(), writeEntry(), removeEntry() */ /*! \internal */ bool QSettings::readBoolEntry(const QString &key, bool def, bool *ok ) { if ( !verifyKey( key ) ) { #if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE) qWarning( "QSettings::readBoolEntry: Invalid key: '%s'", key.isNull() ? "(null)" : key.latin1() ); #endif if ( ok ) *ok = FALSE; return def; } QString theKey = groupKey( group(), key ); #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC) if ( d->sysd ) return d->sysReadBoolEntry( theKey, def, ok ); #endif QString value = readEntry( theKey, ( def ? "true" : "false" ), ok ); if (value.lower() == "true") return TRUE; else if (value.lower() == "false") return FALSE; else if (value == "1") return TRUE; else if (value == "0") return FALSE; if (! value.isEmpty()) qWarning("QSettings::readBoolEntry: '%s' is not 'true' or 'false'", value.latin1()); if ( ok ) *ok = FALSE; return def; } /*! \fn double QSettings::readDoubleEntry(const QString &key, double def, bool *ok ) const Reads the entry specified by \a key, and returns a double, or the default value, \a def, if the entry couldn't be read. If \a ok is non-null, *ok is set to TRUE if the key was read, FALSE otherwise. \sa readEntry(), readNumEntry(), readBoolEntry(), writeEntry(), removeEntry() */ /*! \internal */ double QSettings::readDoubleEntry(const QString &key, double def, bool *ok ) { if ( !verifyKey( key ) ) { #if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE) qWarning( "QSettings::readDoubleEntry: Invalid key: '%s'", key.isNull() ? "(null)" : key.latin1() ); #endif if ( ok ) *ok = FALSE; return def; } QString theKey = groupKey( group(), key ); #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC) if ( d->sysd ) return d->sysReadDoubleEntry( theKey, def, ok ); #endif QString value = readEntry( theKey, QString::number(def), ok ); bool conv_ok; double retval = value.toDouble( &conv_ok ); if ( conv_ok ) return retval; if ( ! value.isEmpty() ) qWarning( "QSettings::readDoubleEntry: '%s' is not a number", value.latin1() ); if ( ok ) *ok = FALSE; return def; } /*! \fn int QSettings::readNumEntry(const QString &key, int def, bool *ok ) const Reads the entry specified by \a key, and returns an integer, or the default value, \a def, if the entry couldn't be read. If \a ok is non-null, *ok is set to TRUE if the key was read, FALSE otherwise. \sa readEntry(), readDoubleEntry(), readBoolEntry(), writeEntry(), removeEntry() */ /*! \internal */ int QSettings::readNumEntry(const QString &key, int def, bool *ok ) { if ( !verifyKey( key ) ) { #if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE) qWarning( "QSettings::readNumEntry: Invalid key: '%s'", key.isNull() ? "(null)" : key.latin1() ); #endif if ( ok ) *ok = FALSE; return def; } QString theKey = groupKey( group(), key ); #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC) if ( d->sysd ) return d->sysReadNumEntry( theKey, def, ok ); #endif QString value = readEntry( theKey, QString::number( def ), ok ); bool conv_ok; int retval = value.toInt( &conv_ok ); if ( conv_ok ) return retval; if ( ! value.isEmpty() ) qWarning( "QSettings::readNumEntry: '%s' is not a number", value.latin1() ); if ( ok ) *ok = FALSE; return def; } /*! \fn QString QSettings::readEntry(const QString &key, const QString &def, bool *ok ) const Reads the entry specified by \a key, and returns a QString, or the default value, \a def, if the entry couldn't be read. If \a ok is non-null, *ok is set to TRUE if the key was read, FALSE otherwise. \sa readListEntry(), readNumEntry(), readDoubleEntry(), readBoolEntry(), writeEntry(), removeEntry() */ /*! \internal */ QString QSettings::readEntry(const QString &key, const QString &def, bool *ok ) { if ( !verifyKey( key ) ) { #if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE) qWarning( "QSettings::readEntry: Invalid key: '%s'", key.isNull() ? "(null)" : key.latin1() ); #endif if ( ok ) *ok = FALSE; return def; } QString theKey = groupKey( group(), key ); #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC) if ( d->sysd ) return d->sysReadEntry( theKey, def, ok ); #endif if ( ok ) // no, everything is not ok *ok = FALSE; QString realkey; if (theKey[0] == '/') { // parse our key QStringList list(QStringList::split('/', theKey)); if (list.count() < 2) { #ifdef QT_CHECK_STATE qWarning("QSettings::readEntry: invalid key '%s'", theKey.latin1()); #endif // QT_CHECK_STATE if ( ok ) *ok = FALSE; return def; } if (list.count() == 2) { d->heading = list[0]; d->group = "General"; realkey = list[1]; } else { d->heading = list[0]; d->group = list[1]; // remove the group from the list list.remove(list.at(1)); // remove the heading from the list list.remove(list.at(0)); realkey = list.join("/"); } } else realkey = theKey; QSettingsGroup grp = d->readGroup(); QString retval = grp[realkey]; if ( retval.isNull() ) retval = def; else if ( ok ) // everything is ok *ok = TRUE; return retval; } #if !defined(Q_NO_BOOL_TYPE) /*! Writes the boolean entry \a value into key \a key. The \a key is created if it doesn't exist. Any previous value is overwritten by \a value. If an error occurs the settings are left unchanged and FALSE is returned; otherwise TRUE is returned. \sa readListEntry(), readNumEntry(), readDoubleEntry(), readBoolEntry(), removeEntry() */ bool QSettings::writeEntry(const QString &key, bool value) { if ( !verifyKey( key ) ) { #if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE) qWarning( "QSettings::writeEntry: Invalid key: '%s'", key.isNull() ? "(null)" : key.latin1() ); #endif return FALSE; } QString theKey = groupKey( group(), key ); #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC) if ( d->sysd ) return d->sysWriteEntry( theKey, value ); #endif QString s(value ? "true" : "false"); return writeEntry(theKey, s); } #endif /*! \overload Writes the double entry \a value into key \a key. The \a key is created if it doesn't exist. Any previous value is overwritten by \a value. If an error occurs the settings are left unchanged and FALSE is returned; otherwise TRUE is returned. \sa readListEntry(), readNumEntry(), readDoubleEntry(), readBoolEntry(), removeEntry() */ bool QSettings::writeEntry(const QString &key, double value) { if ( !verifyKey( key ) ) { #if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE) qWarning( "QSettings::writeEntry: Invalid key: '%s'", key.isNull() ? "(null)" : key.latin1() ); #endif return FALSE; } QString theKey = groupKey( group(), key ); #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC) if ( d->sysd ) return d->sysWriteEntry( theKey, value ); #endif QString s(QString::number(value)); return writeEntry(theKey, s); } /*! \overload Writes the integer entry \a value into key \a key. The \a key is created if it doesn't exist. Any previous value is overwritten by \a value. If an error occurs the settings are left unchanged and FALSE is returned; otherwise TRUE is returned. \sa readListEntry(), readNumEntry(), readDoubleEntry(), readBoolEntry(), removeEntry() */ bool QSettings::writeEntry(const QString &key, int value) { if ( !verifyKey( key ) ) { #if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE) qWarning( "QSettings::writeEntry: Invalid key: '%s'", key.isNull() ? "(null)" : key.latin1() ); #endif return FALSE; } QString theKey = groupKey( group(), key ); #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC) if ( d->sysd ) return d->sysWriteEntry( theKey, value ); #endif QString s(QString::number(value)); return writeEntry(theKey, s); } /*! \internal Writes the entry specified by \a key with the string-literal \a value, replacing any previous setting. If \a value is zero-length or null, the entry is replaced by an empty setting. \e NOTE: This function is provided because some compilers use the writeEntry (const QString &, bool) overload for this code: writeEntry ("/foo/bar", "baz") If an error occurs, this functions returns FALSE and the object is left unchanged. \sa readEntry(), removeEntry() */ bool QSettings::writeEntry(const QString &key, const char *value) { if ( !verifyKey( key ) ) { #if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE) qWarning( "QSettings::writeEntry: Invalid key: '%s'", key.isNull() ? "(null)" : key.latin1() ); #endif return FALSE; } QString theKey = groupKey( group(), key ); return writeEntry(theKey, QString(value)); } /*! \overload Writes the string entry \a value into key \a key. The \a key is created if it doesn't exist. Any previous value is overwritten by \a value. If \a value is an empty string or a null string the key's value will be an empty string. If an error occurs the settings are left unchanged and FALSE is returned; otherwise TRUE is returned. \sa readListEntry(), readNumEntry(), readDoubleEntry(), readBoolEntry(), removeEntry() */ bool QSettings::writeEntry(const QString &key, const QString &value) { if ( !verifyKey( key ) ) { #if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE) qWarning( "QSettings::writeEntry: Invalid key: '%s'", key.isNull() ? "(null)" : key.latin1() ); #endif return FALSE; } QString theKey = groupKey( group(), key ); #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC) if ( d->sysd ) return d->sysWriteEntry( theKey, value ); #endif // NOTE: we *do* allow value to be a null/empty string QString realkey; if (theKey[0] == '/') { // parse our key QStringList list(QStringList::split('/', theKey)); if (list.count() < 2) { #ifdef QT_CHECK_STATE qWarning("QSettings::writeEntry: invalid key '%s'", theKey.latin1()); #endif // QT_CHECK_STATE return FALSE; } if (list.count() == 2) { d->heading = list[0]; d->group = "General"; realkey = list[1]; } else { d->heading = list[0]; d->group = list[1]; // remove the group from the list list.remove(list.at(1)); // remove the heading from the list list.remove(list.at(0)); realkey = list.join("/"); } } else realkey = theKey; d->writeGroup(realkey, value); return TRUE; } /*! Removes the entry specified by \a key. Returns TRUE if the entry existed and was removed; otherwise returns FALSE. \sa readEntry(), writeEntry() */ bool QSettings::removeEntry(const QString &key) { if ( !verifyKey( key ) ) { #if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE) qWarning( "QSettings::removeEntry: Invalid key: '%s'", key.isNull() ? "(null)" : key.latin1() ); #endif return FALSE; } QString theKey = groupKey( group(), key ); #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC) if ( d->sysd ) return d->sysRemoveEntry( theKey ); #endif QString realkey; if (theKey[0] == '/') { // parse our key QStringList list(QStringList::split('/', theKey)); if (list.count() < 2) { #ifdef QT_CHECK_STATE qWarning("QSettings::removeEntry: invalid key '%s'", theKey.latin1()); #endif // QT_CHECK_STATE return FALSE; } if (list.count() == 2) { d->heading = list[0]; d->group = "General"; realkey = list[1]; } else { d->heading = list[0]; d->group = list[1]; // remove the group from the list list.remove(list.at(1)); // remove the heading from the list list.remove(list.at(0)); realkey = list.join("/"); } } else realkey = theKey; d->removeGroup(realkey); return TRUE; } /*! Returns a list of the keys which contain entries under \a key. Does \e not return any keys that contain keys. Example settings: \code /MyCompany/MyApplication/background color /MyCompany/MyApplication/foreground color /MyCompany/MyApplication/geometry/x /MyCompany/MyApplication/geometry/y /MyCompany/MyApplication/geometry/width /MyCompany/MyApplication/geometry/height \endcode \code QStringList keys = entryList( "/MyCompany/MyApplication" ); \endcode \c keys contains 'background color' and 'foreground color'. It does not contain 'geometry' because this key contains keys not entries. To access the geometry values could either use subkeyList() to read the keys and then read each entry, or simply read each entry directly by specifying its full key, e.g. "/MyCompany/MyApplication/geometry/y". \sa subkeyList() */ QStringList QSettings::entryList(const QString &key) const { if ( !verifyKey( key ) ) { #if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE) qWarning( "QSettings::entryList: Invalid key: %s", key.isNull() ? "(null)" : key.latin1() ); #endif return QStringList(); } QString theKey = groupKey( group(), key ); #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC) if ( d->sysd ) return d->sysEntryList( theKey ); #endif QString realkey; if (theKey[0] == '/') { // parse our key QStringList list(QStringList::split('/', theKey)); if (list.count() < 1) { #ifdef QT_CHECK_STATE qWarning("QSettings::listEntries: invalid key '%s'", theKey.latin1()); #endif // QT_CHECK_STATE return QStringList(); } if (list.count() == 1) { d->heading = list[0]; d->group = "General"; } else { d->heading = list[0]; d->group = list[1]; // remove the group from the list list.remove(list.at(1)); // remove the heading from the list list.remove(list.at(0)); realkey = list.join("/"); } } else realkey = theKey; QSettingsGroup grp = d->readGroup(); QSettingsGroup::Iterator it = grp.begin(); QStringList ret; QString itkey; while (it != grp.end()) { itkey = it.key(); it++; if ( realkey.length() > 0 ) { if ( itkey.left( realkey.length() ) != realkey ) continue; else itkey.remove( 0, realkey.length() + 1 ); } if ( itkey.find( '/' ) != -1 ) continue; ret << itkey; } return ret; } /*! Returns a list of the keys which contain keys under \a key. Does \e not return any keys that contain entries. Example settings: \code /MyCompany/MyApplication/background color /MyCompany/MyApplication/foreground color /MyCompany/MyApplication/geometry/x /MyCompany/MyApplication/geometry/y /MyCompany/MyApplication/geometry/width /MyCompany/MyApplication/geometry/height /MyCompany/MyApplication/recent files/1 /MyCompany/MyApplication/recent files/2 /MyCompany/MyApplication/recent files/3 \endcode \code QStringList keys = subkeyList( "/MyCompany/MyApplication" ); \endcode \c keys contains 'geometry' and 'recent files'. It does not contain 'background color' or 'foreground color' because they are keys which contain entries not keys. To get a list of keys that have values rather than subkeys use entryList(). \sa entryList() */ QStringList QSettings::subkeyList(const QString &key) const { if ( !verifyKey( key ) ) { #if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE) qWarning( "QSettings::subkeyList: Invalid key: %s", key.isNull() ? "(null)" : key.latin1() ); #endif return QStringList(); } QString theKey = groupKey( group(), key ); #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC) if ( d->sysd ) return d->sysSubkeyList( theKey ); #endif QString realkey; if (theKey[0] == '/') { // parse our key QStringList list(QStringList::split('/', theKey)); if (list.count() < 1) { #ifdef QT_CHECK_STATE qWarning("QSettings::subkeyList: invalid key '%s'", theKey.latin1()); #endif // QT_CHECK_STATE return QStringList(); } if (list.count() == 1) { d->heading = list[0]; d->group = "General"; } else { d->heading = list[0]; d->group = list[1]; // remove the group from the list list.remove(list.at(1)); // remove the heading from the list list.remove(list.at(0)); realkey = list.join("/"); } } else realkey = theKey; QSettingsGroup grp = d->readGroup(); QSettingsGroup::Iterator it = grp.begin(); QStringList ret; QString itkey; while (it != grp.end()) { itkey = it.key(); it++; if ( realkey.length() > 0 ) { if ( itkey.left( realkey.length() ) != realkey ) continue; else itkey.remove( 0, realkey.length() + 1 ); } int slash = itkey.find( '/' ); if ( slash == -1 ) continue; itkey.truncate( slash ); if ( ! ret.contains( itkey ) ) ret << itkey; } return ret; } /*! \internal This function returns the time of last modification for \a key. */ QDateTime QSettings::lastModficationTime(const QString &key) { if ( !verifyKey( key ) ) { #if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE) qWarning( "QSettings::lastModficationTime: Invalid key: '%s'", key.isNull() ? "(null)" : key.latin1() ); #endif return QDateTime(); } QString theKey = groupKey( group(), key ); #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC) if ( d->sysd ) return QDateTime(); #endif if (theKey[0] == '/') { // parse our key QStringList list(QStringList::split('/', theKey)); if (list.count() < 2) { #ifdef QT_CHECK_STATE qWarning("QSettings::lastModficationTime: invalid key '%s'", theKey.latin1()); #endif // QT_CHECK_STATE return QDateTime(); } if (list.count() == 2) { d->heading = list[0]; d->group = "General"; } else { d->heading = list[0]; d->group = list[1]; } } return d->modificationTime(); } /*! \overload Writes the string list entry \a value into key \a key. The \a key is created if it doesn't exist. Any previous value is overwritten by \a value. The list is stored as a sequence of strings separated by \a separator, so none of the strings in the list should contain the separator. If the list is empty or null the key's value will be an empty string. If an error occurs the settings are left unchanged and FALSE is returned; otherwise returns TRUE. \sa readListEntry(), readNumEntry(), readDoubleEntry(), readBoolEntry(), removeEntry() */ bool QSettings::writeEntry(const QString &key, const QStringList &value, const QChar &separator) { QString s(value.join(separator)); return writeEntry(key, s); } /*! \overload Writes the string list entry \a value into key \a key. The \a key is created if it doesn't exist. Any previous value is overwritten by \a value. If an error occurs the settings are left unchanged and FALSE is returned; otherwise returns TRUE. \sa readListEntry(), readNumEntry(), readDoubleEntry(), readBoolEntry(), removeEntry() */ bool QSettings::writeEntry(const QString &key, const QStringList &value) { QString s; for (QStringList::ConstIterator it=value.begin(); it!=value.end(); ++it) { QString el = *it; if ( el.isNull() ) { el = "^0"; } else { el.replace("^", "^^"); } s+=el; s+="^e"; // end of element } return writeEntry(key, s); } /*! \overload QStringList QSettings::readListEntry(const QString &key, const QChar &separator, bool *ok ) const Reads the entry specified by \a key as a string. The \a separator is used to create a QStringList by calling QStringList::split(\a separator, entry). If \a ok is not 0: \a *ok is set to TRUE if the key was read, otherwise \a *ok is set to FALSE. Note that if you want to iterate over the list, you should iterate over a copy, e.g. \code QStringList list = mySettings.readListEntry( "size", " " ); QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin(); while( it != list.end() ) { myProcessing( *it ); ++it; } \endcode \sa readEntry(), readDoubleEntry(), readBoolEntry(), writeEntry(), removeEntry(), QStringList::split() */ /*! \internal */ QStringList QSettings::readListEntry(const QString &key, const QChar &separator, bool *ok ) { QString value = readEntry( key, QString::null, ok ); if ( ok && !*ok ) return QStringList(); return QStringList::split(separator, value); } /*! \fn QStringList QSettings::readListEntry(const QString &key, bool *ok ) const Reads the entry specified by \a key as a string. If \a ok is not 0, \a *ok is set to TRUE if the key was read, otherwise \a *ok is set to FALSE. Note that if you want to iterate over the list, you should iterate over a copy, e.g. \code QStringList list = mySettings.readListEntry( "recentfiles" ); QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin(); while( it != list.end() ) { myProcessing( *it ); ++it; } \endcode \sa readEntry(), readDoubleEntry(), readBoolEntry(), writeEntry(), removeEntry(), QStringList::split() */ /*! \internal */ QStringList QSettings::readListEntry(const QString &key, bool *ok ) { QString value = readEntry( key, QString::null, ok ); if ( ok && !*ok ) return QStringList(); QStringList l; QString s; bool esc=FALSE; for (int i=0; i<(int)value.length(); i++) { if ( esc ) { if ( value[i] == 'e' ) { // end-of-string l.append(s); s=""; } else if ( value[i] == '0' ) { // null string s=QString::null; } else { s.append(value[i]); } esc=FALSE; } else if ( value[i] == '^' ) { esc = TRUE; } else { s.append(value[i]); if ( i == (int)value.length()-1 ) l.append(s); } } return l; } /*! Insert platform-dependent paths from platform-independent information. The \a domain should be an Internet domain name controlled by the producer of the software, eg. Trolltech products use "trolltech.com". The \a product should be the official name of the product. The \a scope should be QSettings::User for user-specific settings, or QSettings::Global for system-wide settings (generally these will be read-only to many users). */ void QSettings::setPath( const QString &domain, const QString &product, Scope scope ) { // On Windows, any trailing ".com(\..*)" is stripped from the domain. The // Global scope corresponds to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, and User corresponds to // HKEY_CURRENT_USER. Note that on some installations, not all users can // write to the Global scope. On UNIX, any trailing ".com(\..*)" is stripped // from the domain. The Global scope corresponds to "/opt" (this would be // configurable at library build time - eg. to "/usr/local" or "/usr"), // while the User scope corresponds to $HOME/.*rc. // Note that on most installations, not all users can write to the System // scope. // // On MacOS X, if there is no "." in domain, append ".com", then reverse the // order of the elements (Mac OS uses "com.apple.finder" as domain+product). // The Global scope corresponds to /Library/Preferences/*.plist, while the // User scope corresponds to ~/Library/Preferences/*.plist. // Note that on most installations, not all users can write to the System // scope. QString actualSearchPath; int lastDot = domain.findRev( '.' ); #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) actualSearchPath = "/" + domain.mid( 0, lastDot ) + "/" + product; insertSearchPath( Windows, actualSearchPath ); #elif defined(Q_WS_MAC) QString topLevelDomain = domain.right( domain.length() - lastDot - 1 ) + "."; if ( topLevelDomain.isEmpty() ) topLevelDomain = "com."; actualSearchPath = "/" + topLevelDomain + domain.left( lastDot ) + product; insertSearchPath( Mac, actualSearchPath ); #else actualSearchPath = "/" + domain.mid( 0, lastDot ) + "/" + product; insertSearchPath( Unix, actualSearchPath ); #endif d->globalScope = scope == Global; } /*! Appends \a group to the current key prefix. */ void QSettings::beginGroup( const QString &group ) { d->groupStack.push( group ); d->groupDirty = TRUE; } /*! Undo previous calls to beginGroup(). Note that a single beginGroup("a/b/c") is undone by a single call to endGroup(). */ void QSettings::endGroup() { d->groupStack.pop(); d->groupDirty = TRUE; } /*! Set the current key prefix to the empty string. */ void QSettings::resetGroup() { d->groupStack.clear(); d->groupDirty = FALSE; d->groupPrefix = QString::null; } /*! Returns the current key prefix, or a null string if there is no key prefix set. \sa beginGroup(); */ QString QSettings::group() const { if ( d->groupDirty ) { d->groupDirty = FALSE; d->groupPrefix = QString::null; QValueStack<QString>::Iterator it = d->groupStack.begin(); while ( it != d->groupStack.end() ) { QString group = *it; ++it; if ( group[0] != '/' ) group = "/" + group; d->groupPrefix += group; } } return d->groupPrefix; } #endif