Qt was not created for 240x320 and we adjust some default values to be more
sane for the usage on handhelds

diff -ur qt-2.3.8-old/src/widgets/qcommonstyle.cpp qt-2.3.8/src/widgets/qcommonstyle.cpp
--- qt-2.3.8-old/src/widgets/qcommonstyle.cpp	2004-07-22 01:07:44.000000000 +0200
+++ qt-2.3.8/src/widgets/qcommonstyle.cpp	2004-07-23 16:15:16.000000000 +0200
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@
 				    bool enabled, bool active )
 #ifndef QT_NO_MENUBAR
-#ifndef QT_NO_STYLE_SGI
+#if 1 // #ifndef QT_NO_STYLE_SGI
     if (draw_menu_bar_impl != 0) {
 	QDrawMenuBarItemImpl impl = draw_menu_bar_impl;
 	(this->*impl)(p, x, y, w, h, mi, g, enabled, active);
diff -ur qt-2.3.8-old/src/widgets/qlistview.cpp qt-2.3.8/src/widgets/qlistview.cpp
--- qt-2.3.8-old/src/widgets/qlistview.cpp	2004-07-22 01:07:44.000000000 +0200
+++ qt-2.3.8/src/widgets/qlistview.cpp	2004-07-23 16:15:16.000000000 +0200
@@ -5054,9 +5054,9 @@
 	l = l->childItem ? l->childItem : l->siblingItem;
     if ( l && l->height() )
-	s.setHeight( s.height() + 10 * l->height() );
-    else
-	s.setHeight( s.height() + 140 );
+	s.setHeight( s.height() + 4 /*10*/ * l->height() );
+    else                      // ^v much too big for handhelds
+	s.setHeight( s.height() + 30 /*140*/ );
     if ( s.width() > s.height() * 3 )
 	s.setHeight( s.width() / 3 );
Nur in qt-2.3.8/src/widgets/: qlistview.cpp.orig.
diff -ur qt-2.3.8-old/src/widgets/qtoolbutton.cpp qt-2.3.8/src/widgets/qtoolbutton.cpp
--- qt-2.3.8-old/src/widgets/qtoolbutton.cpp	2004-07-22 01:07:44.000000000 +0200
+++ qt-2.3.8/src/widgets/qtoolbutton.cpp	2004-07-23 16:15:16.000000000 +0200
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
 	    QToolTip::add( this, textLabel );
@@ -326,12 +326,12 @@
 	QPixmap pm = iconSet(TRUE).pixmap(QIconSet::Large, QIconSet::Normal);
 	w = pm.width();
 	h = pm.height();
-	if ( w < 32 )
-	    w = 32;
-	if ( h < 32 )
-	    h = 32;
+	if ( w < 24 )
+	    w = 24;
+	if ( h < 24 )
+	    h = 24;
     } else {
-	w = h = 16;
+	w = h = 14;
 	QPixmap pm = iconSet(TRUE).pixmap(QIconSet::Small, QIconSet::Normal);
 	w = pm.width();
 	h = pm.height();
Nur in qt-2.3.8/src/widgets/: qtoolbutton.cpp.orig.