/*=                    -*- c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
 * librsync -- library for network deltas
 * $Id$
 * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 by Martin Pool <mbp@samba.org>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

                               | You should never wear your best
                               | trousers when you go out to fight for
                               | freedom and liberty.
                               |        -- Henrik Ibsen

/** \file rsync.h
 * \brief Main public interface to librsync.
 * \author Martin Pool <mbp@samba.org>
 * \version librsync-0.9.1
 * $Id$
 * See \ref intro for an introduction to use of this library.

#include <sys/types.h>

extern char const rs_librsync_version[];
extern char const rs_licence_string[];

 * \brief A long integer type that can handle the largest file
 * offsets.
 * Perhaps this might have to be configured to be 'long long', 'long',
 * or something else depending on the platform.
typedef signed long long    rs_long_t;
typedef long rs_long_t;

 * \brief Log severity levels.
 * These are the same as syslog, at least in glibc.
 * \sa rs_trace_set_level()
typedef enum {
    RS_LOG_EMERG         = 0,   /**< System is unusable */
    RS_LOG_ALERT         = 1,   /**< Action must be taken immediately */
    RS_LOG_CRIT          = 2,   /**< Critical conditions */
    RS_LOG_ERR           = 3,   /**< Error conditions */
    RS_LOG_WARNING       = 4,   /**< Warning conditions */
    RS_LOG_NOTICE        = 5,   /**< Normal but significant condition */
    RS_LOG_INFO          = 6,   /**< Informational */
    RS_LOG_DEBUG         = 7    /**< Debug-level messages */
} rs_loglevel;

 * \typedef rs_trace_fn_t
 * \brief Callback to write out log messages.
 * \param level a syslog level.
 * \param msg message to be logged.
typedef void    rs_trace_fn_t(int level, char const *msg);

void            rs_trace_set_level(rs_loglevel level);

/** Set trace callback. */
void            rs_trace_to(rs_trace_fn_t *);

/** Default trace callback that writes to stderr.  Implements
 * ::rs_trace_fn_t, and may be passed to rs_trace_to(). */
void            rs_trace_stderr(int level, char const *msg);

/** Check whether the library was compiled with debugging trace
 * suport. */
int             rs_supports_trace(void);

 * Convert FROM_LEN bytes at FROM_BUF into a hex representation in
 * TO_BUF, which must be twice as long plus one byte for the null
 * terminator.
void     rs_hexify(char *to_buf, void const *from_buf, int from_len);

 * Decode a base64 buffer in place.  \return the number of binary
 * bytes.
size_t rs_unbase64(char *s);

 * Encode a buffer as base64.
void rs_base64(unsigned char const *buf, int n, char *out);

 * \brief Return codes from nonblocking rsync operations.
typedef enum {
    RS_DONE =		0,	/**< Completed successfully. */
    RS_BLOCKED =	1, 	/**< Blocked waiting for more data. */
    RS_RUNNING  =       2,      /**< Not yet finished or blocked.
                                 * This value should never be returned
                                 * to the caller.  */
    RS_TEST_SKIPPED =   77,     /**< Test neither passed or failed. */
    RS_IO_ERROR =	100,    /**< Error in file or network IO. */
    RS_SYNTAX_ERROR =   101,    /**< Command line syntax error. */
    RS_MEM_ERROR =	102,    /**< Out of memory. */
    RS_INPUT_ENDED =	103,	/**< End of input file, possibly
                                   unexpected. */
    RS_BAD_MAGIC =      104,    /**< Bad magic number at start of
                                   stream.  Probably not a librsync
                                   file, or possibly the wrong kind of
                                   file or from an incompatible
                                   library version. */
    RS_UNIMPLEMENTED =  105,    /**< Author is lazy. */
    RS_CORRUPT =        106,    /**< Unbelievable value in stream. */
    RS_INTERNAL_ERROR = 107,    /**< Probably a library bug. */
    RS_PARAM_ERROR =    108     /**< Bad value passed in to library,
                                 * probably an application bug. */
} rs_result;

 * Return an English description of a ::rs_result value.
char const *rs_strerror(rs_result r);

 * \brief Performance statistics from a librsync encoding or decoding
 * operation.
 * \sa rs_format_stats(), rs_log_stats()
typedef struct rs_stats {
    char const     *op;     /**< Human-readable name of current
                             * operation.  For example, "delta". */
    int             lit_cmds;   /**< Number of literal commands. */
    rs_long_t       lit_bytes;  /**< Number of literal bytes. */
    rs_long_t       lit_cmdbytes; /**< Number of bytes used in literal
                                   * command headers. */
    rs_long_t       copy_cmds, copy_bytes, copy_cmdbytes;
    rs_long_t       sig_cmds, sig_bytes;
    int             false_matches;

    rs_long_t       sig_blocks; /**< Number of blocks described by the
                                   signature. */

    size_t          block_len;

    rs_long_t       in_bytes;   /**< Total bytes read from input. */
    rs_long_t       out_bytes;  /**< Total bytes written to output. */
} rs_stats_t;

/** \typedef struct rs_mdfour rs_mdfour_t
 * \brief MD4 message-digest accumulator.
 * \sa rs_mdfour(), rs_mdfour_begin(), rs_mdfour_update(),
 * rs_mdfour_result()
typedef struct rs_mdfour {
    int                 A, B, C, D;
    int                 totalN;
    int                 tail_len;
    unsigned char       tail[64];
} rs_mdfour_t;

#define RS_MD4_LENGTH 16

typedef unsigned int rs_weak_sum_t;
typedef unsigned char rs_strong_sum_t[RS_MD4_LENGTH];

void            rs_mdfour(unsigned char *out, void const *in, size_t); 
void            rs_mdfour_begin(/* @out@ */ rs_mdfour_t * md);
void            rs_mdfour_update(rs_mdfour_t * md, void const *,
				 size_t n);
void rs_mdfour_result(rs_mdfour_t * md, unsigned char *out);

char *rs_format_stats(rs_stats_t const *, char *, size_t);

int rs_log_stats(rs_stats_t const *stats);

typedef struct rs_signature rs_signature_t;

void rs_free_sumset(rs_signature_t *);
void rs_sumset_dump(rs_signature_t const *);

 * Stream through which the calling application feeds data to and from the
 * library.
 * On each call to rs_job_iter, the caller can make available
 *  - avail_in bytes of input data at next_in
 *  - avail_out bytes of output space at next_out
 *  - some of both
 * Buffers must be allocated and passed in by the caller.  This
 * routine never allocates, reallocates or frees buffers.
 * Pay attention to the meaning of the returned pointer and length
 * values.  They do \b not indicate the location and amount of
 * returned data.  Rather, if \p *out_ptr was originally set to \p
 * out_buf, then the output data begins at \p out_buf, and has length
 * \p *out_ptr - \p out_buf.
 * Note also that if \p *avail_in is nonzero on return, then not all of
 * the input data has been consumed.  The caller should either provide
 * more output buffer space and call rs_work() again passing the same
 * \p next_in and \p avail_in, or put the remaining input data into some
 * persistent buffer and call rs_work() with it again when there is
 * more output space.
 * \param next_in References a pointer which on entry should point to
 * the start of the data to be encoded.  Updated to point to the byte
 * after the last one consumed.
 * \param avail_in References the length of available input.  Updated to
 * be the number of unused data bytes, which will be zero if all the
 * input was consumed.  May be zero if there is no new input, but the
 * caller just wants to drain output.
 * \param next_out References a pointer which on entry points to the
 * start of the output buffer.  Updated to point to the byte after the
 * last one filled.
 * \param avail_out References the size of available output buffer.
 * Updated to the size of unused output buffer.
 * \return The ::rs_result that caused iteration to stop.
 * \sa rs_buffers_t
 * \sa \ref api_buffers
struct rs_buffers_s {
    char *next_in;		/**< Next input byte */
    size_t avail_in;            /**< Number of bytes available at next_in */
    int eof_in;                 /**< True if there is no more data
                                 * after this.  */

    char *next_out;		/**< Next output byte should be put there */
    size_t avail_out;           /**< Remaining free space at next_out */

 * Stream through which the calling application feeds data to and from the
 * library.
 * \sa struct rs_buffers_s
 * \sa \ref api_buffers
typedef struct rs_buffers_s rs_buffers_t;

/** Default length of strong signatures, in bytes.  The MD4 checksum
 * is truncated to this size. */

/** Default block length, if not determined by any other factors. */

/** \typedef struct rs_job rs_job_t
 * \brief Job of work to be done.
 * Created by functions such as rs_sig_begin(), and then iterated
 * over by rs_job_iter(). */
typedef struct rs_job rs_job_t;

 * Bitmask values that may be passed to the options parameter of
 * rs_work().
typedef enum rs_work_options {
    RS_END = 0x01               /**< End of input file; please finish
                                 * up. */
} rs_work_options;

rs_result       rs_job_iter(rs_job_t *, rs_buffers_t *);

typedef rs_result rs_driven_cb(rs_job_t *job, rs_buffers_t *buf,
                               void *opaque);

rs_result rs_job_drive(rs_job_t *job, rs_buffers_t *buf,
                       rs_driven_cb in_cb, void *in_opaque,
                       rs_driven_cb out_cb, void *out_opaque);

rs_result       rs_job_free(rs_job_t *);

int             rs_accum_value(rs_job_t *, char *sum, size_t sum_len);

rs_job_t *rs_sig_begin(size_t new_block_len, size_t strong_sum_len);

rs_job_t *rs_delta_begin(rs_signature_t *);

rs_job_t *rs_loadsig_begin(rs_signature_t **);

 * \brief Callback used to retrieve parts of the basis file.
 * \param pos Position where copying should begin.
 * \param len On input, the amount of data that should be retrieved.
 * Updated to show how much is actually available.
 * \param buf On input, a buffer of at least \p *len bytes.  May be
 * updated to point to a buffer allocated by the callback if it
 * prefers.
typedef rs_result rs_copy_cb(void *opaque, off_t pos,
                             size_t *len, void **buf);

rs_job_t *rs_patch_begin(rs_copy_cb *, void *copy_arg);

rs_result rs_build_hash_table(rs_signature_t* sums);

 * Buffer sizes for file IO.
 * You probably only need to change these in testing.
extern int rs_inbuflen, rs_outbuflen;

 * Calculate the MD4 sum of a file.
 * \param result Binary (not hex) MD4 of the whole contents of the
 * file.
void rs_mdfour_file(FILE *in_file, char *result);

rs_result rs_sig_file(FILE *old_file, FILE *sig_file,
                      size_t block_len, size_t strong_len, rs_stats_t *); 

rs_result rs_loadsig_file(FILE *, rs_signature_t **, rs_stats_t *);

rs_result rs_file_copy_cb(void *arg, off_t pos, size_t *len, void **buf);

rs_result rs_delta_file(rs_signature_t *, FILE *new_file, FILE *delta_file, rs_stats_t *);

rs_result rs_patch_file(FILE *basis_file, FILE *delta_file, FILE *new_file, rs_stats_t *);