path: root/lib
authorJoseph Smarr <>2009-12-22 20:44:48 (UTC)
committer Michael Krelin <>2009-12-22 20:44:48 (UTC)
commit142ca30cad85769067419a9ed5b60501af67e17c (patch) (side-by-side diff)
tree6f5b49fb31d105be8052cf6f47336f0fa6141a64 /lib
parentbd4c671f0a842309d17eb4579847b6fd1169ce5f (diff)
put Joseph's files into repository
Thanks to Joseph Smarr (now) of Plaxo for contributing these extensions! Signed-off-by: Michael Krelin <>
Diffstat (limited to 'lib') (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 210 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccdb706
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+#include <opkele/exception.h>
+#include <opkele/ax.h>
+#include <opkele/uris.h>
+#include <opkele/util.h>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+using namespace std;
+namespace opkele {
+ void ax_t::add_attribute(const char *uri, bool required, const char *alias /* = NULL */, int count /* = 1 */) {
+ assert(uri && *uri);
+ assert(count != 0);
+ ax_attr_t attr;
+ attr.uri = uri;
+ attr.required = required;
+ attr.count = count;
+ // if no alias is specified, generate one using an internal auto-incremented counter
+ attr.alias = alias ? alias : string("attr") + opkele::util::long_to_string(++alias_count);
+ attrs.push_back(attr);
+ }
+ void ax_t::rp_checkid_hook(basic_openid_message& om) {
+ if (attrs.size() == 0) return; // not asking for any attributes
+ string pfx = om.allocate_ns(OIURI_AX10,"ax");
+ om.set_field(pfx+".mode", "fetch_request"); // only supports fetch_request for now
+ string required_fields, optional_fields;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < attrs.size(); i++) {
+ // build up list of required/optional aliases
+ if (attrs[i].required) required_fields += (required_fields.empty() ? "" : ",") + attrs[i].alias;
+ else optional_fields += (optional_fields.empty() ? "" : ",") + attrs[i].alias;
+ om.set_field(pfx+".type."+attrs[i].alias, attrs[i].uri);
+ // only specify count if it's >1 or unlimited
+ if (attrs[i].count == UNLIMITED_COUNT) {
+ om.set_field(pfx+".count."+attrs[i].alias, "unlimited");
+ } else if (attrs[i].count > 1) {
+ om.set_field(pfx+".count."+attrs[i].alias, opkele::util::long_to_string(attrs[i].count));
+ }
+ }
+ if (!required_fields.empty()) om.set_field(pfx+".required", required_fields);
+ if (!optional_fields.empty()) om.set_field(pfx+".if_available", optional_fields);
+ if (!update_url.empty()) om.set_field(pfx+".update_url", update_url);
+ }
+ void ax_t::checkid_hook(basic_openid_message& om) {
+ rp_checkid_hook(om); }
+ void ax_t::rp_id_res_hook(const basic_openid_message& om,
+ const basic_openid_message& sp) {
+ string pfx;
+ try {
+ pfx = om.find_ns(OIURI_AX10,"ax");
+ }catch(failed_lookup&) {
+ return;
+ }
+ pfx += '.';
+ // first look at all aliases and generate an internal uri->alias map
+ string fn;
+ map<string, string> aliases;
+ for (basic_openid_message::fields_iterator it = sp.fields_begin(); it != sp.fields_end(); ++it) {
+ fn = *it;
+ string type_pfx = pfx; type_pfx += "type.";
+ size_t pos = fn.find(type_pfx);
+ if (pos == string::npos) continue;
+ string alias = fn.substr(pos + type_pfx.size());
+ aliases[sp.get_field(fn)] = alias;
+ }
+ // now for each alias, pull out the count and value(s) and store uri->[value1, ...]
+ for (map<string, string>::iterator it = aliases.begin(); it != aliases.end(); ++it) {
+ vector<string> values;
+ fn = pfx; fn += "count." + it->second;
+ if (sp.has_field(fn)) {
+ int count = opkele::util::string_to_long(sp.get_field(fn));
+ for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
+ fn = pfx; fn += "value." + it->second + "." + opkele::util::long_to_string(i);
+ values.push_back(sp.get_field(fn));
+ }
+ } else {
+ fn = pfx; fn += "value." + it->second;
+ values.push_back(sp.get_field(fn));
+ }
+ response_attrs[it->first] = values;
+ }
+ fn = pfx; fn += "update_url";
+ if (sp.has_field(fn)) update_url = sp.get_field(fn);
+ }
+ string ax_t::get_attribute(const char *uri, int index /* = 0 */) {
+ if (response_attrs.find(uri) == response_attrs.end()) return "";
+ return response_attrs[uri][index];
+ }
+ size_t ax_t::get_attribute_count(const char *uri) {
+ if (response_attrs.find(uri) == response_attrs.end()) return 0;
+ return response_attrs[uri].size();
+ }
+ void ax_t::id_res_hook(const basic_openid_message& om,
+ const basic_openid_message& sp) {
+ rp_id_res_hook(om,sp); }
+ void ax_t::op_checkid_hook(const basic_openid_message& inm) {
+ }
+ void ax_t::op_id_res_hook(basic_openid_message& oum) {
+ }
+ void ax_t::checkid_hook(const basic_openid_message& inm,
+ basic_openid_message& oum) {
+ op_checkid_hook(inm);
+ setup_response(inm,oum);
+ op_id_res_hook(oum);
+ }
+ void ax_t::setup_response(const basic_openid_message& /* inm */,basic_openid_message& /* oum */) {
+ setup_response();
+ }
+ void ax_t::setup_response() {
+ }
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b728854
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#include <opkele/exception.h>
+#include <opkele/oauth_ext.h>
+#include <opkele/uris.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace opkele {
+ using std::find;
+ void oauth_ext_t::rp_checkid_hook(basic_openid_message& om) {
+ string pfx = om.allocate_ns(OIURI_OAUTH10,"oauth");
+ //required:
+ //optional: openid.oauth.scope=
+ if (m_consumer.empty()) throw bad_input(OPKELE_CP_ "Required consumer key is missing from OAuth extension");
+ om.set_field(pfx+".consumer", m_consumer);
+ if (!m_scope.empty()) om.set_field(pfx+".scope", m_scope);
+ }
+ void oauth_ext_t::checkid_hook(basic_openid_message& om) {
+ rp_checkid_hook(om); }
+ void oauth_ext_t::rp_id_res_hook(const basic_openid_message& om,
+ const basic_openid_message& sp) {
+ string pfx;
+ try {
+ pfx = om.get_ns(OIURI_OAUTH10);
+ }catch(failed_lookup&) {
+ return;
+ }
+ pfx += '.';
+ //required: openid.oauth.request_token=abcdefg
+ //optional:
+ //optional: openid.oauth.scope=
+ string fn;
+ fn = pfx + "request_token";
+ if (sp.has_field(fn)) {
+ m_request_token = sp.get_field(fn);
+ } else throw bad_input(OPKELE_CP_ "Missing required response field: "+fn);
+ fn = pfx + "consumer";
+ if (sp.has_field(fn)) {
+ m_consumer = sp.get_field(fn);
+ }
+ fn = pfx + "scope";
+ if (sp.has_field(fn)) {
+ m_scope = sp.get_field(fn);
+ }
+ }
+ void oauth_ext_t::id_res_hook(const basic_openid_message& om,
+ const basic_openid_message& sp) {
+ rp_id_res_hook(om,sp); }
+ void oauth_ext_t::op_checkid_hook(const basic_openid_message& inm) {
+ }
+ void oauth_ext_t::op_id_res_hook(basic_openid_message& oum) {
+ }
+ void oauth_ext_t::checkid_hook(const basic_openid_message& inm,
+ basic_openid_message& oum) {
+ op_checkid_hook(inm);
+ setup_response(inm,oum);
+ op_id_res_hook(oum);
+ }
+ void oauth_ext_t::setup_response(const basic_openid_message& /* inm */,basic_openid_message& /* oum */) {
+ setup_response();
+ }
+ void oauth_ext_t::setup_response() {
+ }