Side-by-side diff
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1 files changed, 13 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/x-carriage-adapter.scad b/x-carriage-adapter.scad
index 9cf6c08..9891072 100644
--- a/x-carriage-adapter.scad
+++ b/x-carriage-adapter.scad
@@ -14,79 +14,92 @@ mounting_holes_on_top = [ // the offsets of mounting holes on the top
feeds_apart = 18; // the distance between nozzles (and, therefore filament feeds)
feed_shell_d = 17; // the shell diameter around filament feed, pushfit's diameter
screw_shell_d = 8; // the shell diameter around screws
thread_h = 10.5; // the height of the pushfit's thread
hinge_s = 6; // hinges thickness
screwhead_d = 5.5; // the diameter of the screw head
screwhead_h = 3; // the height of the screw head
ms_size = [19.8,6,10]; // microswitch dimensions
ms_screws_apart = 9.5; // distance between microswitch mounting screws
ms_switch_offset = 2.5; // the offset of the switch from the center
ms_bump = ms_size[1]; // how far from hinge microswitch is mounted
lower_by = 15; // lower hotend from the original intention by this long
gap = 5; // gap between microswitch and heatsink
ps_offset = 3+3; // pushscrew offset from the hinge
back_thickness = 8; // thickness of the part behind the hinge
nut_thickness = 2.5; // intelligent guess should suffice
nut_width = 5.5; // intelligent guess should suffice
+link_thickness=3; // thickness of link holder protrusion
+link_or=3.5; // link outer diameter
+link_ir=1.5; // link inner diameter
use <threads.scad>;
/* the internal thread for e3d bowden coupling: */
module pushfit_thread(h=thread_h) {
thr = 3/8 + .5/25.4;
slit = 25.4*thr/2 + 0.4;
translate([0,0,-1]) if(draft) cylinder(d=thr*25.4,h=h+2);
else english_thread(diameter=thr,threads_per_inch=28,length=(h+2)/25.4,internal=true);
translate([-2,-slit,-1]) cube([4,slit,h+2]);
sff = hs_nozzles_from_back+gap; // switch from feeds
hff = sff+ms_size[1]+ms_bump+thread_h/2; // hinges from feeds
module holder() {
translate([0,0,0]) difference() {
union() {
hull() {
rs = 3; drs = screw_shell_d/2-rs;
rf = 6; drf = feed_shell_d/2-rf;
for(sx=[-1,1]) translate([sx*feeds_apart/2,0,0]) {
for(mhot = mounting_holes_on_top) translate([mhot[0],mhot[1],0]) {
+ difference() {
+ hx0 = max(mounting_holes_on_top[1][1],mounting_holes_on_top[2][1])+screw_shell_d/2;
+ hull() {
+ for(ls=[-1,1]) translate([0,hx0+ls*link_or,thread_h+ls*link_or])
+ rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(r=link_or,h=link_thickness,center=true,$fn=30);
+ }
+ translate([0,hx0+link_or,thread_h+link_or])
+ rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(r=link_ir,h=link_thickness+2,center=true,$fn=30);
+ } // difference
hull() {
translate([0,0,thread_h/2]) cube(size=[hs_size[0]-2*hinge_s-2*slide_tolerance,feed_shell_d,thread_h],center=true);
for(sx=[-1,1]) translate([sx*feeds_apart/2,0,0])
for(mhot = mounting_holes_on_top) translate([mhot[0],mhot[1],0]) {
translate([0,0,-1]) cylinder(d=3,h=thread_h+2,$fn=12); // TODO: sink heads
translate([0,0,thread_h/2]) cylinder(d=screwhead_d+slide_tolerance,h=thread_h/2+1,$fn=30);
// hinge
rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(d=3+slide_tolerance,h=hs_size[0],center=true,$fn=12);
// push screw
hull() for(oy=[-1,1]) translate([0,-hff+ps_offset+oy,-1]) cylinder(d=3+play_tolerance,h=thread_h+2,$fn=30);
// tune screw
translate([0,-sff-ms_size[1]/2,-1]) cylinder(d=3,h=thread_h+2);